Flare Gun Casts Shadows – Larger Light Radius – Delay Options

Fallout 4 Mods |

Flare Gun Casts Shadows – Larger Light Radius – Delay Options

Mods I play with, and recommend:


True Storms with Darker Nights

Actual Flares

Enemies Level Now Scale in all zones

Commonwealth Chemistry Expanded
mostly for the Syringer Ammo; Reaper, Lumberfoot, Sucker Punch)

Verdant Wasteland

Decay ReShade
(Morbid preset)

I wondered why Beth didn’t make the flare gun useful as a ranged lightsource.
So I increased the light radius by 4x.
And added an Omnidirectional Shadow flag.

It can be a little quirky at times:
-When the flare rolls down a slope, it will continuously cast the shadows of everything it moves past. A neat effect, but it gets a little busy at times.
-Artifacting occurs randomly, Especially with several flares out, casting overlapped shadows.
-If you fire a flare near you, and rotate your vision, the shadows will sometimes rotate with the camera, causing a strange effect.
-Placing a flare very close to objects can lead to glitchy shadows and light. Such as under a car.

Not sure if I can solve any of these issues, and for the most part glitches are minor, and I have good experiences using these changes. In comparison to the eye candy the shadows invoke, its worth it for me.
If you can live with those issues, then, Proceed.

Either drag *One* .esp to your Fallou4/Data folder, and then tick it in the plugins tab in NMM.

Or use NMM to activate the .7z, and De-Select *ALL but one* FlareGun.esp from the plugins tab.

Nothing bad will happen if you don’t, but the game will only take the changes from the last active FlareGun.esp in the plugin list.

Options for Delay-to-Ignite:
Difference in distance from .5 to 2 seconds is around ~50 yards.

-Around 25 yards


-Around 75 yards, max trajectory @ 30-45 degrees.


-Default Vanilla delay

If you choose one of the following, be aware that anything above 2 Seconds, fired at any angle to place the Flare far enough away – causes that projectile and light source to despawn permanently before it ignites.
Could be associated with uGrids, or draw distance. I run max default draws. May function differently with manually increased draw distances.
Not sure, won’t test, as this is just a quick mod to add some eye candy, and a new angle for immersion playthroughs.
Feel free to let me know if it does and I’ll update the description.
Useful for tactical ground placement from a distance, while you advance during the countdown.

At night, several Raiders moving in and out of darkness, near a hut, 1 visible silhouette against the horizon / near a light. Fire the 10 second flare near them.
Swap to silenced rifle, pick 1 or 2 off, swap to close range weapon and move in just in time for the flare to pop.
Practical for use with Darker Nights, the choice not to use nightvision, and setting up an ambush.


The 1.4 Second delay, with Actual Flares mod, are a nice combo for night navigation and combat.
If you neglect the PipLight… Immersion and frantic combat is guaranteed.

I may consider creating stand alone versions of Flare Guns that each utilize the different delays, with different light radius amounts.
For now this is enough, and I may just wait for CK, to see if other options open up.

Such as:
Increased burn-time.
Longer air-hang.

I have not noticed any fps drops. Then again, I play capped at 30fps. But I imagine you’d lose a couple in complex areas when you pop one.

Credits: Octorp
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