Fiona v2.0 – Not your average 2077 housewife

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Fiona v2.0 – Not your average 2077 housewife

This is a later rendition of an earlier save file I uploaded, I feel I have made significant improvements to the character that are worth uploading again. I will also include a preset for her body if I can figure that out too.

Save file starts at Sanctuary, just after escaping Vault 111. Nothing has happened yet, and we haven’t spoken to Codsworth. This save game allows you to start from (practically) the very beginning of the game, with my personal build for my favorite Sole Survivor. I created this mostly for myself, but I thought others might enjoy it as well. This time around I went for a much more tactical/Sarah Connor circa T2 kind of look, with much more simplicity in the weapons – nothing realistic about carrying around a complete arsenal. While the weapon selection I have would still be stretching the bounds of realism for a single person to be carrying, I felt it was a good balance. I thoroughly explain stats, inventory, and mods used below.

So the backstory that justifies this save game (skip to the next section if you don’t care):

Fiona isn’t your average 2077 housewife who gave up her career to raise her child. Her husband Nate was not only a former soldier, but also a borderline fanatic survivalist. Though Fiona called him paranoid more times then he cared for, she always had the comfortable notion in the back of her mind that her husband was taking care of everything. For years he trained her, drilling on weapons handling, maintenance, tactics, escape and evasion, covert operations, all of which she went along with half halfheartedly – at least it was a hobby they could share. She would never admit it outright, but she enjoyed their time together. Before long it became obvious that she had a natural talent for precision long range marksmanship, and was more then adequate with firearms of every size and shape. Her physique, natural sense of self awareness and perception made her such a stealthy figure that even government trained spooks would have been impressed by her abilities. During the pregnancy the training died off, but it never left her. After all the years of practice she delighted in sneaking up behind Nate and poking him in the ribs with her finger – he jumped every time.

As the war escalated Nate became increasing concerned for his family. He began squirreling away supplies, becoming distant, distracted, spending money on god knows what. The day before the bombs fell Fiona confronted him on their depleted bank account. All he had to say was that some day
soon she would be grateful, and that if he wasn’t around to show her the way, that she should look inside the walls. Taken aback, Fiona relented. She knew that Nate had her and their child’s best intentions in mind, and that it came from a place of love. They made up and went to bed.

Practically the next thing she remembered was coming out of cryo stasis, with a few horrible dream-like memories in between. She ran straight back to their home in Sanctuary Hills, sprinted right past Codsworth with tears in her eyes, barely registering her new reality, and began tearing down the drywall of her home with her bare hands….

This save game starts with Fiona at Level 75, with my personal selection of
perks, a hearty supply of weapons and ammunition.

The stats and inventory supplied by this save game were acquired in earnest through many hours of game play. Though it was replicated through the
use of console commands and mods, I don’t consider it to be a cheat but rather an option I would have liked to see in the vanilla game – to
restart from the beginning with the skills and gear you have acquired through game play. Settlements, materials, mods, companions, quests all
restart at nil, but SPECIAL, perks, and weapon-related inventory remain. As such I have removed any quest-related weapons and objects from the
inventory. The story line above is my attempt to reconcile my desires without ruining the immersion of the game. For example, Nate left Fiona $10, 000 in pre-war money – he had no way to know the Nuka-Cola caps would be the currency of the future. I hope some of you will appreciate and enjoy that.



Strength 5
Perception 9
Endurance 4
Charisma 9
Intelligence 6
Agility 10 (SPECIAL book spent here)
Luck 6

Perks are generally stealth/sniper related, a healthy proficiency with all firearms, and a few others to accommodate
my play style (Locksmith and Hacker are both level 3, Local Leader is level 2)

In addition to everything Fiona left the vault with, Nate left her the following:

Combat Knife
Glock 20 Pistol by Z06Frank
MAC-11 Machine Pistol – Standalone by DOOM – 10mm or .45 version both would have substantial ammo
The M14 Standalone Rifle by FF7CloudStrife and Moniterman
M82a3 AMR by Amoveve
Fragmentation Grenades – 10
(Linked mods are required to complete the inventory)

10mm – 6500
.45 – 6500
.308 – 1500
.50 – 800

Eli’s Sleeveless Outfits (VANILLA and CBBE) by Elianora
Black Tactical Gloves from Armorsmith Extended by Gambit77
ALSO AWKCR by Valdacil and Gambit77
Tactical Cap by Junnari
Hazmat Suit (Recommended, not required) (Skin tight Hazmat Suit – CBBE by vervurax)
(Linked mods are required to complete the inventory)

RadAway 20
Stimpak 30

Required Mods (to match screenshots):

Eli’s Sleeveless Outfits (VANILLA and CBBE) by Elianora
Unique Player by d_rail
Kirs freckled body by Kirse10 – Unique player version
Appealing Moles by ANiceOakTree
Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar
True Eyes – Fallout 4 Edition by jimtownirish
Caliente’s Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE- by Caliente and Ousnius
Valkyr Female Face and Body Textures by Fuse00
deLuxe Makeup by Cilbas
Oni vanilla hair re-texture by OniNigma

Required Mods (to reiterate inventory requirements):
Glock 20 Pistol by Z06Frank
MAC-11 Machine Pistol – Standalone by DOOM
The M14 Standalone Rifle by FF7CloudStrife and Moniterman
M82a3 AMR by Amoveve
Eli’s Sleeveless Outfits (VANILLA and CBBE) by Elianora
Black Tactical Gloves from Armorsmith Extended by Gambit77
AWKCR by Valdacil and Gambit77
Tactical Cap by Junnari
Recommended but not required: (Skin tight Hazmat Suit – CBBE by vervurax)

Required Mods (only if you want Cait to match screenshots):
AGCP’s Follower Makeover for Cait Piper and Curie by AGodComplexPikachu – I used SLM command to remove eye-black and bruises
Eli’s Rugged Outfits – CBBE by Elianora
Oni cute asian face parts by OniNigma
THBrows by TrophiHunter
Desert Eagle .50 AE – Standalone Handgun by DOOM

*****Highly Recommended Mod*****
Bullet Time – Slow Time by registrator2000 – Awesome customizable alternative to VATS! Tons of fun and configurable to still be fairly balanced. As far as I am concerned this mod is a game changer! Occupies the “1” hotkey in my inventory for Fiona.

Notice: I modded the clothing/armor to have Ballistic Weave, I don’t know if it will work for you in game. If not you might need to add ballistic weave through console commands, and use the command “set RailroadClothingArmorModAvailable to 1” if you wish to add it yourself. I have too many active mods to list here – upon loading you will likely get a screen that says something to the tune of unavailable items, may not be present, etc, etc, continue loading? Click yes and at very least everything listed here should work fine if you have the required mods.

Credits: YailBloor
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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