Femshepping and SootDirt’s Wanderer Fashion Collection – Vanilla and CBBE by femshepping and SootDirt – full set standalones by aesfocus – CBBE conversions

Fallout 4 Mods |

Femshepping and SootDirt’s Wanderer Fashion Collection – Vanilla and CBBE by femshepping and SootDirt – full set standalones by aesfocus – CBBE conversions

Vanilla body standalones by femshepping and SootDirt
Standalone all in one ESP by aesfocus
CBBE by ousnius
CBBE mesh fix by schlafenszeit
First CBBE by Zaxen069

This mod adds 12 different lore friendly/non lore friendly standalone outfits (I hope to add more soon, too!) to the game for VANILLA BODIES via crafting from the Armorsmith Workbench. They started out as personal outfits for my own SoSu, but I decided to upload after a few requests on here and on tumblr! They’re not perfect – I’m not a mesh artist by any means (there are some small mistakes that I was unable to fix but they don’t distract too much! I have found that they look best with the weight slider for your SoSu set to as thin as possible) – but they look really cool on my SoSus, so I hope you might like them too 🙂 Outfits were created in Outfit Studio (and some retexturing in Photoshop) from vanilla assets and also from assets from mods that are here on the Nexus. I will list the outfits, credit the amazing asset authors, then go into details about the outfits under the credits. Please read through it – FAQ will follow after! Vanilla assets won’t be included for obvious reasons. Even though the mods below aren’t a prerequisite for this mod to work, I highly suggest checking out the original assets. These people did amazing work.

The pictures here on the mod page have been simplified and cut down. The new pictures use the Photorealistic Commonwealth ENB. If you’d like to see the pictures in Realshade ENB (the ENB that the previous images used), I have moved the old pictures to this Dropbox album here. You can also check out the awesome set of in game pictures taken by SootDirt with no ENB after the main showcase images! I also recommend checkout out the user submitted images here on the mod’s user images tab too for more ideas on how they look with different ENBs (and please feel free to submit your own! We’d love to see them)!

** The model for all of the outfits is Claire from my 8 Female Character Saves with my own hair/makeup/slight face changes. Her hair is from Commonwealth Cuts. Her piercings are a personal edit from Toxic Raider Armour’s piercings **

Coat from The Badass Vault Dweller Long Coat by Eferas (with gorgeous black retexture by cat_woman1989!)
Top, shorts, and boots from Simply Clothes by invalidfate – shorts texture from Commonwealth Shorts by nsk13 – retextures/recolour by me
Leather Armor retextures from Darker Clothes and Armor by sardonumspa

Armored Shorts features a long coat, shorts, a singlet, and assorted armor pieces.

Standalone vest from Jackets and Coats of the Commonwealth by slevin92 – retexture by me (I reverse image searched the patch and just came up with a bunch of Pinterest boards with no credit. If you know who it belongs to, please let me know!!)
Jeans from JC Shirt and Jeans by Jordan1q2 – slight retextured by me
Top from Simply Clothes by invalidfate – retexture by me

Firestarter Vest features a chemical stained/tie dye effect singlet, patch vest, jeans, and boots.
** There is the possibility for an odd clipping issue around the right armpit. You can only notice it from side on. I’ve included a picture in the images section of what can happen – it doesn’t seem to happen all of the time, but seems to look like the picture when holding 10mm pistols and other small guns **

3. FEMCREADY SPIKED DUSTER – ARMOR CATEGORY IN ARMORSMITH WORKBENCH – optional retexture available – check file section and images
Standalone MacCready Duster from Jackets and Coats of the Commonwealth by slevin92
Jeans and boots from Agent Outfit by Ellise
Metal Armor recolours from Darker Clothes and Armor by sardonumspa

FemCready Spiked Duster is my version of a female Mac sniper outfit.

4. COSY JEANS – CASUAL CATEGORY IN ARMORSMITH WORKBENCH – optional retexture available – check file section and images
Bomber jacket from Boston Jacket Fatigues by Eferas (black recolour by Elianora)
Top and boots from Simply Clothes by invalidfate – retextures by me
Jeans from JC Shirt and Jeans by Jordan1q2 – retexture by me
Scarf from Apocalpyse Accessories by Elianora – retexture by me

Cosy Jeans features a warm bomber jacket, an even warmer thick wool scarf, pink stitched jeans and black boots.

Standalone Greaser Jacket from Jackets and Coats of the Commonwealth by slevin92– retex by me
Scarf from Apocalypse Accessories by Elianora– retex by me
Jeans from JC Shirtand Jeans by Jordan 1q2 – retex by me
Boots from Slooty Vault Jumpsuit by DixiePig – texture tweaks by me

Lone Wolf Jacket features a greaser jacket with a back patch, scarf,
jeans, and combat boots.

Standalone vest from Jackets and Coats of the Commonwealth by slevin92– retex by me
Shirt, jeans, and boots from JC Shirt and Jeans by Jordan1q2 – retexes by me
Scarf from Apocalypse Accessories by Elianora– retex by me

Ranger Casuals features a vest, scarf, jeans, boots, and a Henley-material
style shirt. It is my interpretation of a casual outfit of a park
Important note: this outfit does not have a 1st person mesh.

Shoes from my Summer Shorts standalones – retex by me
Shorts from Commonwealth Shorts by nsk13– texture tweak by me
Top from Simply Clothes by Petrovich for Skyrim – invalidfate for the port to Fallout 4 – retex by me

Summer Short Shorts features a floral singlet, denim short shorts, and
comfortable summer flats. It is a more ‘modern’ and not so lore
friendly (I guess?) version of the vanilla Summer Shorts.

Scarf from Wasteland Scarves by Stndmunki – texture tweak by me
Coat from The Badass Vault Dweller Coat (black retex by cat_woman1989)– belt texture tweak by me
Top from Simply Clothes by Petrovich for Skyrim – invalidfatefor the port to Fallout 4 –retexture by me
Jeans from JC Shirt and Jeans by Jordan1q2– retex by me
Boots from Apocalypse Attire by Elianora– texture tweak and vanilla conversion by me
Vanilla metal and leather armor retextures from Darker Clothes and Armor by sardonumspa– leather texture tweak by me

Armored Jeans features a black coat, rugged top and jeans, and a lot of armor! Please keep in mind that there
is a lot of armor layered onto this outfit to give it a ‘rugged’ and
thrown together look, so sitting down on a chair and performing some
animations with console commands will produce some odd outfit
clipping. I’ve minimised it as much as I can, but… yeah. It’s

Cropped Maxson Battlecoat and scarf from Hipster Outfit by Ascendia – texture tweaks and extra alpha edits by me
Top from Simply Clothes by Petrovich for Skyrim – invalidfatefor the port to Fallout 4 –retexture by me
Jeans from JC Shirt and Jeans by Jordan1q2– retex by me
Kneepads from Sleeveless Outfits by Elianora
Boots from Slooty Vault Jumpsuit by DixiePig – texture tweaks by me

Camo Fatigues features a cropped thick vest, comfortable top, and camo jeans.

10. CROPPED MOTO JACKET – CASUAL CATEGORY IN ARMORSMITH WORKBENCH – optional retexture available – check file section and images
Cropped Maxson Battlecoat and scarf from Hipster Outfit by Ascendia – texture tweaks by me
Top from Simply Clothes by Petrovich for Skyrim – invalidfatefor the port to Fallout 4 –retexture by me
Scarf from Wasteland Scarves by Stndmunki – texture tweak by me
Jeans from JC Shirt and Jeans by Jordan1q2– retex by me
Boots from Slooty Vault Jumpsuit by DixiePig – texture tweaks by me

11. MOJAVE SUMMER SHORTS – CASUAL CATEGORY IN ARMORSMITH WORKBENCH – optional retexture available – check file section and images
Muscle tank from Apocalypse Attire by Elianora – conversion, texture, and alpha edits by me
Cutoff shorts from Daisy Nukes by calyps
Boots from Rodeo Coat by Ascendia

Mojave Summer Shorts is based on an idea for a casual outfit that I had for my Courier in New Vegas.

Muscle tank from Apocalypse Attire by Elianora – conversion, texture, and alpha edits by me
Standalone vest from Jackets and Coats of the Commonwealth by slevin92– retex by me
Jeans from JC Shirt and Jeans by Jordan1q2– retex by me
Boots from Slooty Vault Jumpsuit by DixiePig – texture tweaks by me
Leather Armor retextures from Darker Clothes and Armor by sardonumspa
Sniper Rifle from Weapons as apparel – Modder’s resource by jigodie – retex by SootDirt


A: The Bodyslide files for all 12 outfits were made by ousnius and schlafenszeit! Don’t forget to load them into Bodyslide and preview/build to get the outfits to match to your body preset! Original CBBE files were made by Zaxen069!

Q: Other different body mesh?
A: No, I’m not going to make any.

Q: NPC Levelled list/other thing I don’t know how to do?
No. You’re welcome to try.

Q: Why are some of the textures so clean/so dirty?
A: My friend… let me introduce you to a marvellous program called Photoshop. Get the Intel TextureWorks plugin. Open the diff file. Use one of the brushes to add some dirt to it. Save over the original. Success. Yer a wizard, Harry.

Q: What is the clipping like?
A: I’ve tested all outfits extensively and believe that I have just about eradicated all clipping, however with the Armored Shorts/Jeans and FemCready Duster, sometimes the top of the coat will clip into the butt for a brief second when stopping from a sprint. Two out of my five testers reported a little bit of clipping under the armpit of the Firestarter Vest, however the rest of us didn’t experience it. If there is really obvious clipping for whatever reason on your character, I suggest opening Outfit Studio and pushing back the mesh that is clipping through the top most layer. Like I said, I have tried to eradicate clipping, but for some reason, two people have had little bits of clipping despite testing the same file.

As CBBE has been added, extreme body types (huge breasts etc) will cause clipping. You will need to load your body preset into Bodyslide and Outfit Studio and adjust the clipping. Seriously, guys, I don’t wanna hear whinging about clipping if you’ve got an extreme body shape and it can be fixed in Outfit Studio, please.

Q: I don’t like (insert piece on outfit here). Can you change it?
A: No. Use Outfit Studio if you’d like to delete a part of the outfit that you don’t like. These are originally outfits I made for myself. I’m not going to make 100 different variations of small tweaks for one person when you can do it much quicker yourself.

Q: Why so skimpy/not skimpy enough/not lore friendly enough/wah I hate this?
A: Then what the hell are you still doing here? Take a deep breath, close the tab, go outside and fart out the negativity. You’ll be alright, buddy.


Thank you to my testers/people who gave me advice and help (even on outfits that aren’t release ready yet – you guys are great!!!):
SootDirt for being my partner in wasteland crime! Couldn’t have done this without you!
schlafenszeit for helping with the original ESPs and testing!
aesfocus for the standalone collection ESPs
ousnius for the CBBE conversions!
19cp1 for testing!
Heidi/aquiverx for testing and being super supportive <3
JTesmer for testing
Sondra1408 for testing
Dividus for testing
adoel488 for testing
Zaxen069 for being great and doing the original BodySlide files for the first 8 outfits!
this great tutorial from Ascendia (the part about outfit studio especially!)
Elianora for this awesome video which taught me how to make standalones

… and to all of the authors of the original assets who kindly gave me permission to include them here!

These outfits were made with Photoshop, Bodyslide, Outfit Studio, and Fallout 4 Edit.

Thanks for viewing, and hopefully downloading! I'd love to see your SoSus in the outfits, so please feel free to upload some pictures!
Please contact me if there are any issues that need to be sorted and I will do my best to fix them. As always when downloading a new mod, be sure to back up your saves. I will not be responsible for any mishaps.

Credits: ousnius
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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