Fallout 4 Mods |


version 3 is up .


for a better game play


the mod introduces a lot of changes to the game play it addresses the following factors :

combat .

sneak .

zones .

spawns .

And a lot more … (the list of changes was updated as of version 3 , It’s a work in progress so more features will be implemented later) .


1- the zones have been overhauled in a non linear way , some have wider level spawn ranges others are not tweaked that way but both min level and
max level are up , some only with the lower one … etc . so with that and with the different amount of augmentations you have a much more diverse
and challenging world .

2- the leveled list has been modified in order to have more spawns filling the gaps between levels , the modifications are non linear too … that and
also by augmenting the amount of legendary foes .

3- the map marker fad distance is lowered to the half in order to have a better exploration experience .

4- the vendor respawn time was halved .

5- the respawn of all locations was lowered to 84 hours .

6- the vat max engagement distance was augmented .

7- you have less power drain .

8- higher overall legendary chance (doubled) .

9- higher chance of legendary items .

10- better sneaking experience , sneaking is now more fun and rewording … invest in sneak you will need it .

11- overall difficulty up .

12- combat was overhauled , it’s more challenging (no linearity in the modifications) .

13- higher iron sight force .

14- lower kill cam odds .

15- better in vat experience (slower time) .


No templates or quests were altered .


Just unpack then copy the esp. to your data folder and activate it .

Made on fo4edit , many thanks for the guys working on it far making this possible .

Credits: terso
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