Fallout 4 Window Helper

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Fallout 4 Window Helper


This is a launcher utility that fixes two issues related to alt-tabbing in and out of the Fallout 4 window:

1) It minimizes the FO4 window when alt-tabbing out of it

When using the borderless window mode, the FO4 window cannot be minimized by normal means. For me this is a problem, because even when I alt-tab to the desktop, the FO4 window is simply placed behind the desktop window (along with all the other windows in the z-order), and then it annoyingly pops up whenever I activate other windows. To prevent that, the launcher can minimize the FO4 window when it stops being in the foreground. As an added benefit, this also causes the FO4 window to work with the Win+M command.

2) It prevents the double cursor bug

Sometimes when alt-tabbing out of FO4 and then back in, the system cursor is not properly hidden, and shows up beside the game’s cursor. To prevent that, the launcher can make sure that the system cursor is hidden when you alt-tab back to the game. I am unable to reliably test how well this works, if you use this feature please give feedback.

How to use

First, unpack the files into a new folder (I recommend making a subfolder in the game folder and putting the files there). Then, run “fo4wh_config.exe”, choose your settings, and close the window. And finally, start using “fo4wh_launcher.exe” to launch the game (or to launch anything else that in turn launches the game, such as the script extender).

Credits: greentea101
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