Fallout 4 Very Basic Unix-Like Terminal Mod

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Fallout 4 Very Basic Unix-Like Terminal Mod

Hello everyone!
A while back I made a Unix-Like terminal mod for Fallout New Vegas.
I thought I would port it, well I couldn’t find a way to ADD lines to the STRING files, so I just modified what I had.

I came up with a very small mod. Changed 2 lines, but it changes EVERY terminal in the game 😉

VERY BASIC UNIX Terminal mod!

Ok; there are 2 different versions included —

VERSION 1 (mod1 folder) goes like this:
When you start a terminal it says something like
running early hook [udev] KERNEL FOUND
mnt R /dev/fdd1

VERSION 2 (mod2 folder) goes like this:
Welcome to RobCo (TM) UNIX Bootloader 1.2
(something like that)

Your choice. Pick one
Install the file to Fallout 4\Data\Strings


Enjoy! ^_^

Credits: rdtg
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