Fallout 4 – Optimised
It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you backup ALL .ini files before using this mod, it may not work for you and could have possible detrimental effects.
Fallout 4 Optimised is a mod designed to improve stability of your game! It is also here to improve performance where available and make your game look better with things like loading objects further in the distance (In the High version) Overall it is a large tweaking mod of the game’s .ini files.
Download manually
Extract the archive using WinRAR – If you don’t have it you can download it here: www.rarlab.com
Now copy the 3 .ini files to C:\Users\”User”\Documents\My Games\Fallout4
Replace the old files
Check out my other files in the Optimisation series!
Fallout 3: Fallout 3 Optimised
Fallout New Vegas: New Vegas Tune Up
[/left][left] Version 1.0:Fallout.ini
uGridsToLoad=7 – sets the rendered area distance (9 in ULTRA)
bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 – Allows for archive invalidation (Allows for modding)
bMouseAcceleration=0 – Turns off Mouse acceleration
uInterior Cell Buffer=12 – Better cell loading (interior) (15 in ULTRA)
uExterior Cell Buffer=144 – Better cell loading (exterior) (225 in ULTRA)
bUseThreadedBlood=1 – This line and the next 4 are all designed for using “threaded” objects
bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen=1 – Multi Threading capability for faces
bUseMultiThreadedTrees=1 – Multi Threading capability for trees
iNumHWThreads=4 – Set for 4 CPU threads (if you have more set it so)
iPreloadSizeLimit=262144000 – Preload size in bytes (256 Megabytes) (512mb in ultra)
fDefaultWorldFOV=90 – Sets FOV default to 90
fDefault1stPersonFOV=90 – Sets first person FOV to 90
iPresentInterval=0 – Turns off present inteval
bForceIgnoreSmoothness=1 – turns on ignoring of smoothness
bMouseAcceleration=0 – Turns off mouse acceleration
fMouseHeadingYScale=.03738 – This scales mouse movement to your screen, Mine is 16:9 so I use the value put the other values are:
16:10 .0336
4:3 0.28
21:9 0.42
Fallout Prefs.ini:
All these have been put in the INI this is to make sure they load
Fallout Custom.ini: – These are tweaks to allow modding
bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 – Archive invalidation
sResourceDataDirsFinal= – States that every file can be overwritten
Version 1.1
fForegroundMouseMult=0 – These all are responsible for mouse acceleration this seems to also assist in a glitch with the mouse that is apparently present in some NVidia hardware (Unconfirmed)
Also the release of the low edition which is currently set to only have lower U Grids (the default of 5)