Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project

Fallout 4 Mods |

Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project

This project aims to change a lot of objects, items and other stuff from worse quality to very high quality with very good performance. Every thing is very polished and have a lot of details. If you love every detail in graphics, then this modification is for you! However, if you have a little bit weaker hardware, you need not worry – just download performance version and you can enjoy too with small performance cost!

– high quality meshes with a lot of details, ALL models (except Mutfruit Tree) are created from scratch, good optimalization is preserved
– very high quality detailed textures with great sharpness and performance, without any unnecessary VRAM losses (no unnecessary big textures for small stuff, ie. no 4k and 2k bottles, cups etc.)
– very high quality accurate normal maps, almost all is baked from high poly meshes, these normals combined with detail n-maps, giving amazing effects with almost any performance hit!
– specially customized materials for all reworked stuff, now each surface looks similarly as in real life, also all HDRP stuff have a separate wet materials (in original – not all objects have wet materials)
– Graphic support for labels, etc. in three languages (English, Polish, German)


Was this modification reduces performance?
It depends on your hardware but generally this mod doesn’t much affect negatively on performance because all it’s good optimized. It’s not type of modification “yeah 4K cups!” or “yessss, 8K WATER!! please make 16K!! :)”.
Meshes is appropriately optimized. And this mod may maximum on quality version take up to 80 MB VRAM more than the original (for
example, unnecessarily big textures for one small and less visible object/item (diff+norm+spec) in 4K can take up to 50 MB VRAM!!). TIP FOR ALL (especially for those who have less than 3.5GB VRAM): So people,don’t download everything in 4K! You will have little effect at great expense. Only large objects/surfaces are worth it (however not always).

I don’t know which version should I choose. Quality or performance?
It’s simple – if you have at least 3GB of VRAM it certainly can choose the quality version. However, if you have less than 3GB of VRAM it is recommended to choose a performance version, but if you have 2GB then you can try quality version and see how it works.

I Want more HDRP!
Them will be more downloads, endorsements, comments, etc. so more HDRP content will be. 😉

I have a suggestions for reworked a some item/object/other stuff.
So no problem, write it in the comments and I’ll think about it. 😉

Manual Installation
Choose best to you version, download archive and extract “Data” folder to “You Fallout 4 game folder”, overwrite. That’s all 🙂
Manual Uninstallation
Go to “(your Fallout 4 game folder)/Data” and delete this files which previously pasted.

Known issues:
– Static barrels and tires outside areas with workshops are not changed. This is because they have separate models, which unfortunately I don’t know where they are and how to edit them. If, however, you can know where they are located and how to edit them, please let me know!

Feel free to comment, express you opinions and suggestions, sharing screenshots and videos. 🙂

This project took me a long time of hard work, so please respect this and don’t edit anything without my permission. Thanks. 🙂

And Thanks to NVIDIA and their amazing GEFORCE GTX for motivation to work!

Check also my project for Witcher 3:

Click HERE!

Credits: Halk_Hogan_PL
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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