FallEvil – Paleheads

Fallout 4 Mods |

FallEvil – Paleheads

Happy Halloween! Adds the super-zombie Palehead from the recent Resident Evil Remakes, as well as two (technically three) variants and a new consumable item.

FallEvil: My Buisness is B.O.Ws themselves. A one-man journey in opening up the Commonwealth to the Pandora’s Box that are the creatures from the world of Resident Evil.

Wrapping up October, I present to you the Palehead.

Currently, this mod features the following:
– Leveled List injection into Feral lists, with options for rarity occurrence
– VATS compatibility
– Two (technically three) Distinct Variants, the third one is kind of a shitpost.
– No Dismemberment. Lore-wise, this follows Resident Evil where they cannot be dismembered. (Truth be told, I have not found a way to get dismemberment working on custom ghoul meshes, please hit me up if you know how)
– Custom sounds that include death, pain, idle, alerted, and attack groans.

A variety of a humanoid mutant exposed to a specific strain of the Bio Organic Weapon virus. They have very low intelligence and their bodies are covered in decaying, white covered fibrous-flesh, hence their name. Their mutations, however, make them anything but lame, as they gain powerful regenerative capabilities. While they lack eyes, it doesn’t hinder their sense to find prey.

They are weak to weapons that deal large amounts of contact damage (mininukes and grenades), as well as weapons that can equalize or overtake their regenerative abilities (flamethrowers, other D.O.T weaponry). Goodluck trying to kill one with a normal Pipe weapon.

– Regular Palehead: Spawns at level 1, at a much higher level than the player. Slow, hits for medium damage, and has high health and absorption.
– Savage Palehead: Spawns at level 35, much stronger than a normal Palehead in every way and is much faster and more aggressive. However, as they have less health, they can regenerate much more efficiently.

Third variation, if ya wanna be spoiled:
Spoiler: Show

New items:
– Paleflesh: Has a slight chance to spawn upon killing any Palehead, which is used to make a new consumable item.
– Pale Stew: A new item that can be cooked at a Cooking Station that allows the user to experience regeneration equal to that of a Palehead, for two minutes. Very powerful stuff and is bound to be rebalanced if you guys want.

anager de mods. Any that work with FOMOD installers should do.

Due to the nature of script-injected leveled lists, this will still be pertinent throughout a playthrough if uninstalled mid-way, not a huge deal but could cause some slight slowdowns and performance loss. Best bet is to uninstall and start a New Game.

Credits: CAPCOM - Arroganz
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