Faction Underwear (Male)

Fallout 4 Mods |

Faction Underwear (Male)

Male Faction Underwear
If you’re tired of wearing 210 year old underwear, make a change and show your allegiance to one of the factions of the commonwealth.

This mod requires Unique Player by d_rail and will not function without it.

Update: It’s looking at the moment like this mod (or more specifically the unique player mod) may not be fully compatible with the latest version of Armorsmith Extended. I’m currently doing some testing to find out if it is a compatibility problem with AE and how I can fix it.

This is my first mod, so I hope it brings some enjoyment to people. It’s a simple texture replacement for the male underwear & body textures in the vanilla game. There are no changes made to the body, only to the underwear itself.

Currently Includes (Version 0.1)

Minutemen: Blue underwear with the Minutemen insignia, inspired by the Minutemen flag.

Brotherhood of Steel: Grey underwear showing the Brotherhood’s winged sword insignia. The front band has the battlecry “Ad Victoriam” while the rear band has the motto “Semper Invicta”.

Institute: White and Cyan underwear with both the Institute insignia and the Advanced Systems department logo.

Railroad: A secret organization requires more discrete support. This black and red underwear appears to be a souvenir from the Boston Freedom Trail, with the recruitment message “follow the freedom trail” written on the front band. The rear band shows the Railroad symbol for a nearby ally. When it catches the light just right, the Boston Freedom Trail markers can be seen on the front sides of the underwear.

Goodneighbor: Inspired by the colours of Hancock’s frock coat, this orange-red and blue underwear is still being signed by Hancock. A reflective imprint of hancock’s hand holding a quill is signing “By the people” on the front band, while “For the people” is written on the rear band.

Atom Cats: For the wanderers out there, this sturdier set of underwear is built to stand up to the demands of life on the road and in the garage. This black pseudo-leather underwear has the insigna for the Atom Cats as well as the symbol of Massachusetts Interstate I-90.

Children of the Atom: Embrace his glow or face division with this luminous blue and green (doesn’t actually glow but is highly reflective) underwear. Shows both an atomic symbol and the nuclear hazard warning in vivid eye-searing colours. Perfect for running naked through the glowing sea and hoping for superpowers.

Installation Instructions (Version 0.1)

Set up your Fallout 4 ready to use mods (there should be other guides covering this step elsewhere on the Nexus).
Download Unique Player by d_rail first and follow their installation instructions as this mod must be installed and activated first.
Select which faction’s underwear you’d like to download and either activate it through Nexus Mod Manager, or simply extract the files into the data archive of your Fallout 4 directory.
This will require that you overwrite two files from Unique Player. When you copy them over or activate this mod through NMM, allow it to replace the files from Unique Player with these textures.
When you start the game your character will already be wearing their new underwear. As this is simply a retexture, the underwear can’t be changed in game.

Compatibility (Version 0.1)

It’s looking at the moment like this mod (or more specifically the unique player mod) may not be fully compatible with the latest version of Armorsmith Extended. I’m currently doing some testing to find out if it is a compatibility problem with AE and how I can fix it.

This mod is simply a retexture (Diffuse and Specular maps) and contains no .ESPs, .ESMs or other system files so it should be compatible with most other mods. However it can not be used along with any other body textures for the player. If you use a different Mesh for your player then this may fit, but also may not depending on the proportions of the new mesh. Let me know if you’d like me to adjust any of these to fit different models, at present it is designed using only the Vanilla models.

This mod will only replace the underwear for the male player character, female characters are unaffected.


You are welcome to use the underwear textures here, which are my own creations, in other mods.
Please let me know if you do, I’d love to see how they end up being used.

To do list

Make some more for other factions.
Learn how to make a FOMOD installer.
Create Faction Full-body Tattoo textures to accompany this mod.
I think I’ve figured out how to make the Child of the Atom underwear actually glow, so I’ll try to implement this soon. Also let me know if there’s a faction you want that isn’t already here.

Special Thanks to

d-rail, this mod would not work without Unique Player.
trophihunter, without their link to the photoshop intel plugin I couldn’t have made this mod.
nightasy, without their youtube series on designing meshes for Skyrim I wouldn’t understand how 3d models work in these games.
And of course Bethesda, both for the game and because this mod uses their vanilla assets.

Credits: PoliteRaider
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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