ESP-ESM Translator

Fallout 4 Mods |

ESP-ESM Translator


For french people, scroll down / la description française est plus bas.

This application have been made to translate mods.

It can translate mods from

– Morrowind
– Oblivion
– Skyrim
– Fallout 3
– Fallout New Vegas
– Fallout 4

It can also be used to translate “dialog” files from old Bioware games (Baldur’s gate, Planescape…)

The application works with databases (you have to download one on the download page, or built yours), which contains every text of the game, in english and in another language (depending the database).

The application can translate Scripts directly (no recompilation needed), and MCM menus.

The application allows you to view Skyrim and Fallout Scripts decompiled !

This is how it works :
– It analyse the selected mod
– It tries to translate each text found in the mod with the database
– It tries to translate each text found in the mod with a custom base (if you have made or defined one)
– It tries to translate each text found in the mod with the OnlyText base
– It tries to apply verious automatic translation (without punctuation, without numbers, etc…)
– Then you can complete the translation if needed
– You Hit the launch translation button, and your mod is translated (Well, the line checked as validated (green ones)

At first, I have made this mod for my personal usage, because I was tired of my game being in two language, despite the fact that my installed mods weren’t supposed to change text.
For all this types of mods (like lighting mod), the soft is almost automatic (You still have to click on the buttons :p)


– Download the application and extract it
– Download a database and extract it on the same folder
– Run it
– Look behind you, a three-headed monkey !
– Sorry, but great joke ! (especially if you looked)

Know that the manuals included are NOT up to date. It’s a long process, and I’m not in the mood to do it for know. If anybody does a tutorial, just let me know 🙂

A BIG thanks to the forums of Canard PC, of Confrérie des Traducteurs and of Wiwiland for their helps and feedbacks.
And thanks to the Nexus community, for the same reason !


You can find all changes in the Changes tab (you know, you have a desc tab, a files tab, an images tab… well, the last one) (I say that because I discovered that recently, so if you’re like me…)

Credits: Epervier 666
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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