Enhanced Visuals Reshade – ENB

Fallout 4 Mods |

Enhanced Visuals Reshade – ENB

Note: The preview images are highly compressed, they do not give justice to the final result, the difference is alot more notable ingame.

Do you want your game to look a little less washed out, with a very noticable increase in color and sharpness?

Do you want to counteract that blur you get by using TAA?(Temporal Anti Aliasing)

Do you want added depth of field that makes the game look and feel more immersive?
(if you dont, you can simply turn it off in ENB settings)

All this without any performance loss?

Well, Here you go!

I got tired of problematic presets that promised little to none performance loss, when in reality there was often a very noticable difference in framerate.

And lets face it, fallout is not exactly a game were you can afford to sacrifice your precious frames…

Test it out and you will truly see the difference!

I will upload a link to the SWEETFX database with silder comparison pictures very soon, had some issues with registering.

Install notes:
1. Download http://enbdev.com/mod_fallout4_v0288.htm
2. Copy all of the files from the wrapperversion enb folder except enblocal.ini and enbseries.ini
3. Paste all of these files inside your fallout 4 main install directory.
4. Copy the folder enbseries from Enhanced visuals and paste into your fallout 4 install directory
5. Copy enblocal.ini and enbseries.ini from enhanced visuals folder and paste inside your fallout 4 install directory.
6. Done, now procede with installing Reshade

1. Download http://download933.mediafire.com/b97imp0yl1rg/w0fg4b9sukaqw66/ReShade+1.1.0+with+SweetFX+2.0.7z
2. Open the folder that you just downloaded containing ReShade Setup.exe
3. Run ReShade Setup.exe, and choose your fallout 4 executable file, you do not need to run the game now.
4. Copy Reshade32.dll and ReShade64.dll into your fallout 4 install directory.
5. Copy the sweetfx folder from enhanced visuals folder into your fallout 4 install directory and replace the files in destination
6. All done! Shift + Enter ingame to toggle ENB, Scroll lock to toggle Reshade effects.

ENBLOCAL.INI value is set to VideoMemorySizeMb=4096, change this to your memory size if you have less than 4096.
Framelimiter is set to 61 FPS, change this if you want something else.

Thats it, i hope you like it 🙂

Comment if it is not working for you and i will provide any assistance that i can give.

Credits: Bushdoctor
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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