Enhanced Vanilla ENB

Fallout 4 Mods |

Enhanced Vanilla ENB

For this preset, I used D3spicableMind’s preset, “Vanilla ENB” which can be found at

My version basically adds more bloom, and corrects DOF so that it is less susceptible to the Third-Person DOF Glitch, which occurs because the game’s camera treats the third-person player model simply as another entity within the environment.

I feel my version adds a cooler feeling to the Commonwealth, and provides a good balance between darker environments and playable brightness.

Also included is an “Institute Version” that uses original bloom instead of Multipass, which removes the high brightness level of the Institute.
Install Instructions
Download Fallout 4 v0.291 ENB Series @
Install Fallout 4 v0.291 ENB Series “Wrapper Version” (A readme file is included)
Download “ENB Preset” in the Downloads page
Place the contents of your favored version folder in your Fallout 4 directory (Default “C: \ Program Files \ Steam \ steamapps \ Common \ Fallout 4”

Mods used in screenshots –
Eli’s Armor Collection
Caliente’s Beautiful Bodies Enhancer – (Warning Adult-Content)

Credits go to all of the above listed authors along with D3spicableMind (Banned) @

This mod could NOT exist without the amazing work of Boris Vorontsov , creator of the ENB Series.

Credits: MrCharlesCasey
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