Enhanced Debris

Fallout 4 Mods |

Enhanced Debris

Do your explosions leave you or you partner….unsatisfied?
Does the aftermath of your play not cover as much as you’d like?

Enhanced Debris has got your back!

After installing this mod, Grenade Explosions will push Weapon Debris with much greater force. Note that this mod isn’t aimed at Realism, so much as a greater Spectacle.

No longer will your grenades kick rocks like some anemic child, instead they will take flight, possibly striking said anemic child in the head in brutal one-upsmanship!

But wait! There’s More!

‘Watch For Falling Rocks’: This alternate version will greatly increase the upward velocity of debris from grenades. Basically, debris will travel upwards more than outwards. In my tweaking, I think I’ve come to like this setting more.

[Video Demonstration]

Download Archive.
Unzip Archive.
Place “nvdebris” in your Fallout4 directory. (The location of the Fallout4 exe.)
Overwrite files when asked.
Download the Default Settings file.
Follow normal installation instructions.

Additional Notes:
Weapon Debris is a (to my knowledge) Nvidia-only feature introduced in Patch 1.3. If you have neither of those things, this mod will do nothing.
Theoretically there should be a greater performance impact over Vanilla settings as Debris will generally be in motion for longer. I personally have noticed no difference.
There are many more things about debris that can be tweaked in the ‘nvdebris.txt” file! Experiment with it yourself for either science or amusement! Alternatively, suggest tweaks for me!
In your Falloutprefs.ini you’ll find a line that says “bNVFlexInstanceDebris=1”
While I don’t know the full implications of this Option, setting this to 0 will allow debris to cast shadows!
Expectedly, it may cause fps drops with large amounts of debris

Credits: Ollyoxen
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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