Elementary Coherence

Fallout 4 Mods |

Elementary Coherence

Elemental Coherence

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You ever wondered how paste is capable of glueing weapons together? Scraped steel from tin cans? Corroding aluminum? Asbestos in cardboards? You always felt there’s a whole lot of inconsistencies in Bethesdas display of material, and want to have something more coherent in your mods to be used? Seriously, I couldn’t cope with all the opportunities given to me via modding, and accept how wildly the devs threw components together to craft weapons, appearals and tools. Everything began with my simple Adhesive Recipes Mod, but I quickly figured, there’s much more I want to mod in the game. I want to import a certain metallurgic realism, real chemical coherence, working with materials in a immersive and realistic pre-industrial way, with the wasteland full of recyleable materials, but also raw materials as ressources. How would a post nuclear wasteland, with the knowledge of modern society, but the economical equivalent of stone age look like? Well, I will show you in future Mods, but this one is the base to make all of this happen.

So much for smartassing. What does this Mod do?

It imports 130+ new components with their accompanying misc items, sorted in thier own material category for any type of workbench. It should be used as master file for any type of mod that wants to utilize components, misc items or workbench keywords, in a “realistic fashion”. You want to make glue from bones, then use EC. Want to make alloys? Then us EC. You want to realistically scrap wasteland ressources? Then use EC. How do you make adhesives in real life? Yes, you’ll need a solvent and binder for it, right? EC will give you the opportunity to forward all of this, and more.

Can you give us a material list with the corresponding categorys?


Alcohol, Destilled Water, Ketone, Ethyl Acetate, Gasoline, Turpentine, Universal Solvent


Resin, Wax, Glue, Paste, Polymer, Lineseed Oil, Tar, Bitumen, Casein


Acetic Acid, Citric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, Sulfuric Acid, Nitric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Hydrofluoric Acid


Sodium Hydroxide, Podassium Hydroxide, Ammonium Lye, Whitewash


Iron, Lead, Copper, Tin, Zinc, Aluminum, Gold, Chromium, Cadmium, Manganese, Nickel, Platinum, Mercury, Silver, Titanium, Uranium, Vanadium, Tungsten, Lithium, Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, Boron, Silicon, Arsenic, Antimonum, Phosphorus, Carbon, Sulfur, Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine


Limestone, Gravel, Quartzite, Sandstone, Sand, Slate, Gypsum, Salt, Chalk, Flint, Marble, Granite, Basalt, Diabase, Obsidian, Pumice, Tuff, Dolostone, Loam, Meteorite, Stibnite, Azurite, Chalcopyrite, Malachite, Calaverite, Haematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Galena, Bogiron, Braunstein, Cinnabar, Garnierite, Nickeline, Akanthite, Stromeyerite, Cassiterite, Stannite, Ilmenite, Sphlaerite, Zincite, Graphite, Diamond, Asbestos


Polyethylene, Polypropylene, PVC, Polystyrene, Polyurethane, PET, Celluloid, Amber, Bakelite, Linoleum, Shellac, Ebonite, Rubber, Galalite


Blackcoal, Browncoal, Peat, Oilsands, Tar, Petroleum, Asphalt, Gum, Horn, Bone, Pitch, Charcoal

Materials (other):

Glass, Ceramic, Wood, Cloth, Paper Fiber, Cork, Leather

But there are things that are already displayed in game, like cloth, leather and wood?

That’s true, but the recipe overhaul I’m planing, will divide between recycled and newly manufactured materials. This is why I reimported components already existant. If we take steel for example, it can not be recycled in a way you think of it? Turning steel into a useable material, when it already has been processed, is a very difficulty and energy intensive process. You’d bet throughout history, humanity had already steel recylced, if it was that easy. Which for example was the case for bronze. The same is true for some plastics, polymers, minerals and other material variations. For example, you can not recycle asbestos, it’s simply not possible in a way it gets displayed in the Fallout lore.

You left out a lot of elements/materials. Why?

For the first version I took only the most prominent of materials, those that are frequently used thourghout human history. Others will be added, by request, or if I personally need them in one of my mods. Just to make sure if we talk about materials. Everything can be categorized into the material types of metall, mineral, ceramic, glas, wood, plastics and cloth. If you look around the world, almost everything is made of variations of those 7 types of material categorys. I’m eagerly awaiting your input and exchange of ideas on which categorys and/or materials/elements should be added.

But how would I use this? Or how do you use it?

I’m not sure how you would use it, but I use it as comprehensive base for every single of my mods that handles recipes, crafting, building and wahtever else comes to mind that could utilize this ressource. I’m planing a metallurgy realism mod, that will import ores, which you can smelt, and then forge or cast as weapon/armor ressource. I’m planing on a mod that imports a pre industrial chemical production, used to create f.e. explosives, amunition, fertilizers etc. You could use it as ressource for a mod that imports different variations of precious. You could use it as base for a realsitic display of components in your armor/weapon crafting overhaul, the options are endless. I just wanted to give away this option for anyone, because embedded into my mods, you wouldn’t have any convenient access to it.

You mentioned categorys? What exactly do you mean by that?

Gameplay wise it means I’ve imported 9 keywords to be used as category on any type of workbench. The categorys are: solvent, binder, acid, lye, elementals, minerals, plastics, organics, materials (other). This keywords need to be applied to your recipes as FNAM keyword, so that the category will be displayed on your workbench. Then import your recipes to use the components given to you by this mod. I f.e. will use it to completely redefine any type of recipe in the vanilla game. The mod will be based on Adhesive Recipes, and very much expand it to be a full fledged crafting/building overhaul.

But how do you know all this stuff? You’re a professional? Did you studied it?

Nope, it’s a hobby, an interest, I’m working with pre industrial materials in my job. I restore furniture, paintings, sculptures, machines, vehicles etc. I’ve learned a lot from my boss, and through him, found my general interest in chenical coherence. The understanding for the physical wolrd around us was previously available. Ontop of that I’m educated as gardener, painter and florist, and have a master as painter with the extension of a master in old craftsmanship. My general interest in everything else, and my main hobby to mod bethesda games, did the rest and brought everything together.

How is it installed, respectively used as master file?

1. Open the Fallout4Prefs.ini and under the section [Launcher] add “bEnableFileSelection=1”.
2. Copy the file from this download into your Fallout4/Data folder
3. Enable the file in your data section in the FO4 launcher, see here under the section news how its done

With Patch 1.2…

See this video to understand how to enable Mods!

If you want to use it as master for your files, simply add it as such in Xedit.

Will this be improved and expanded?

Yes, it will.

Is it stable?

Mods created without official tools have a risk to break your game. But at the moment this is true for pretty much all .esp based Mods on the Nexus for FO4. Once the CK gets released, this Mod will be remade. I would not recommend using any .esp Mods if you are a picky person that does not potentially want to get his game messed up. You’ve been warned, you decide. This Mod is made with TesVEdit, not Snip in case you ask.

Credits: Mofakin
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