Disable character light

Fallout 4 Mods |

Disable character light

This is not a mod, but a little guide to help you turn off the fake character light, so all of the NPCs, Enemies and the Player, don’t “glow” in the dark anymore.

The fake lights in the vanilla game, helps the characters to be easily distinguishable from the background, but most of the time the effect is really odd and too strong for my taste.
In exterior it is less noticeable, and it make more sense because it can be interpreted as a kind of skylight, even at night.
But in the interiors, and dark areas, all the characters (and dead bodies) are “glowing” and feels completely out of the scenery, and it can break the immersion a little.

If like me, you want to try to play fallout 4 without this lighting trick, this is how to disable it :

-1) If you want to test the game with and without the fake character lights, simply type “cl off” in the console. Type “cl on” to turn it back on.

-2) And to make it off by default, simply add the line “sStartingConsoleCommand=cl off” under “General” in your “Fallout4.ini”. (it will type it for you in the console each time you launch the game, so you’ll don’t have to bother)

-3) It is also possible to adjust the strength of the effect, instead of completely removing it, by using the “cl rim” console command. (thanks lordjb for the info !)
Default is “cl rim 0.02”, but you can set it to “cl rim 0.002” to make it more subtle.
Play with the value as you like, between “cl rim 1” (ultra bright), and “cl rim 0.001 (almost invisible)
And of course, once you’ve got the perfect settings, type “sStartingConsoleCommand=cl rim X.XXXXX” under “General” in your “Fallout4.ini” and replace the X.XXXXXX with the value of your choice.


Credits: robotgeant
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