Dickbutts Last Resort – Fallout 4 Immersion Overhaul 1.0

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Dickbutts Last Resort – Fallout 4 Immersion Overhaul 1.0

Version 1.0
– Replaced Minutemen logo on T-45 Power Armor with Dickbutt
-Replaced “Bright” Power Armor light with a Dickbutt in a Vault Suit (Vaultbutt)
-Changed Reflex Sight dot/target thing to Dickbutt
-Changed the Moon to Dickbutt
-Changed Sliver Shroud standees to Dickbutt
-Removed Abraxo logo added Dickbutt (All Abraxo variants)
-Added Dickbutt to Antifreeze Bottles (Both Variants)
-Added Dickbutt to Fusion Cores
-Added Dickbutt to Mentats
-Changed raindrops to Dickbutt
-Changed Super Mutant Suicider beep to a section of “The Dickbutt Song”
-Replaced non-colored letters on Wooden Blocks with Dickbutt
-Replaced U.S Flag with New Dickbutt Republic Flag
-Added Dickbutt Design to some rugs
-Replaced some craftable paintings with Dickbutt themed paintings
-Added Dickbutt to Turpentine
-Replaced Radaway logo with Dickbutt
-Added Dickbutt to Rad-X
-Added Dickbutt to Stimpacks
-Changed the Sun to Dickbutt
-Added Dickbutt to Blamco Mac & Cheese
-Added Dickbutt to male and female underwear
-Added a Dickbutt Hidden on the Pip-Boy Map
-Added a Dickbutt to the bottom of the Perk Chart
-Changed level up sound to a section of “The Dickbutt Song”
-Added a Dickbutt to the Power Armor health gauge
-Added Dickbutt to Vault-Tec Lab coats
-Replaced death sound woth a section of “The Dickbutt Song”
-Replaced Freedom Radio music with “The Dickbutt Song”

1) Put Data folder in your install directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\)
2) Under [Archive] in the fallout 4.ini (C:\Users\USER\Documents\my games\Fallout4) change sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\ to sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\
3) Wonder to yourself how anyone could stoop to a point where they thought retexturing everything with a dickbutt was a good idea
4) Enjoy

Credits: TheDBCrew, WillWorkForPi
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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