Diamond Dogs Caps – Standalone DD Baseball Caps

Fallout 4 Mods |

Diamond Dogs Caps – Standalone DD Baseball Caps

I won’t scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea.
I will always be with you, plant your roots in me.
I won’t see you end as ashes, you’re all diamonds.
We’ll make diamonds from their ashes, take them into battle with us.
A shining light to our brothers in arms, even in death.
We are Diamond Dogs.

– Punished “Venom” Snake and Benedict “Kazuhira” Miller

This mod adds three new Baseball caps to craft to the game. These caps come in Forest, Desert and Black camouflages, with all of them sporting the Diamond Dogs logo.

The caps are all crafted within the Chemistry Station under “Utilities” and all boast the same stats and requirements to build.
It costs 6 cloth, 2 leather and 1 adhesive for each cap.
Each cap provides 5 protection and boosts your agility by 1.

Apart from that, they’re just baseball caps! Feel free to upload images of you using them here!

Compatible with everything yo!

P.S. This is my first ever mod which includes editing .nif, .BGSM and .esp files, so of course it will start small. Let me know if you have any requests for me to try! Will probably tackle some more MGS stuff in the future, as I’m really enjoying playing it!

NMM Installation
1. Download with NMM.
2. Enable and Enjoy!
(3.) Make sure DesertDDCap.esp is enabled too, just in case.

Manual Installation
1. Download and extract the folder.
2. Place all of the contents of the “Data” folder into your Fallout 4 “Data” folder. (eg.C:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data)
3. Enable DesertDDCap.esp if you need to.
4. Enjoy!

Disable on NMM
Delete all the stuff I told you to put into you “Data” folder.

Do you likey nice sounds? Great! Click that ‘ting below!
Cinematic Sounds – Complete Collection is a mod which changes various sound fx in Fallout 4. There’s more to come for it, eventually :/

Do you likey lovely ladies? Great! Click that other ‘ting below!
Young Explorer Female Face or Companion Edition

NOTE: As I write this, my hands are freezing and my head is full of sh*te, so If I’ve missed anything above, let me know! :NOTE

Credits: Foster
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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