Desert Eagle Silencer and Other Mods

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Desert Eagle Silencer and Other Mods


Version 1.4 Added Very Large Silencer by request. Rebalanced perk requirements slighty (most are Gunmod 2 now) – Rebalanced Auto receivers so they are all exactly same rate of fire (unintended slight variance from testing)
Added 1.4 WSE version for use with Weaponsmith Extended version of the Desert Eagle

See bottom for installation guidance and more detailed 1.4 changelog

Version 1.3 Now by request features Drum Magazine, Auto Receivers, Visible Silencers

See Changelog as some stuff is a little “rough & funky” to get working.

This is a patch for Desert Eagle .50 AE – Standalone Handgun by Stabcops so of course that is required.
I loved running around hip-firing on my many play-throughs of Fallout testing various setups. Gun of choice quite often is the Deliverer, or one of the many standalone weapons – M9, Glock 20, HK USP .45 etc.

But ultimately all the standalone weapons feel the same, and hit the same barrier… just not enough oomph at higher levels.

My standard recourse with pistol builds has been to go laser. A maxed out laser pistol packs the same punch as a laser rifle, with longer range. Slap on a couple of legendaries and it can take on anything.
But it hasn’t got the feel of a ballistic handgun, blocks a lot more vision, and I don’t enjoy hip-firing it anywhere near as much.
I tried various .44 revolvers with the excellent .44 silencer mod from 24Cell and that gave me the oomph I needed, but the action whilst semi-realistic, wasn’t what I was looking for.

The guns performed significantly worse in hip-fire compared to V.A.T.S.

In the hardcore survival config I am currently testing I often face mobs from 3 competing factions at the same time, multiple legendaries and many of them are bullet sponges even though I am only up to lv65 (It is my 8th playthrough that is lv60+).

Then Stabcops uploads his excellent Desert Eagle

I could immediately see it as the foundation of a “Deliverer mk2” experience for higher levels (65+) that I had been searching for with a few caveats.

It needed a silencer for both the Sandman perk and my ear drums.

I was “honed in” on the feel/range of a Deliverer and similar pistols so some tweaks were needed.

The flashlight barrel is fine situationally, but most of the time I prefer the pip-boy

Whilst I haven’t needed it yet, I am used to 19+ shot magazines so a boost would be useful.

I am a fan of See-Through Combat Scopes, and henkspamadres created scopes for the Desert Eagle, but my preference for handguns is the original zoomed in Reflex sight from version 0.9 rather than a real scope added in later versions. So I needed to make x2.5 and 4.0 Combat Sights.

This quick plugin fixes those needs

2 New barrels that add silencer (works with Sandman), both with & without lamp. Other stats in line with Deliverer… increased range, reduced recoil, slightly tweaked iron sights, value etc.
With 1.3 now comes with 3 different visible silencers
With 1.4 you now have 4 different visible silencers

2 Combat Sights (Zoomed in Reflex) – 2.5x and 4.0

1 2 New Magazines – Extra Large Quick Eject for those that are used to having 19 rounds or more, and new with version 1.3 is a 40 shot drum mag.

4 Auto receivers

Version 1.4 Changelog

By request I have added the larger silencer from the Combat Shotgun – it can block iron/glow sights slightly but does fit the gun quite well.

All the silencers had Gunnut 2 required, and the titanium barrels Gunnut 3. I had hoped to be able to get all the barrels fixed by now so that a visible silencer would work with any barrel, but as that hasn’t been possible I thought it best to make the titanium version available sooner.
Other perks were also reduced slightly, partially because with the WSE plugin the Desert Eagle is being added to leveled lists pretty early in the game.

Whilst doing some testing on fire rates some variance in the fire rates of different automatic receivers didn’t get reverted when I finalized the speed. it was a .01 to .02 difference in a multiple but there was no reason for there to be a difference in performance.

The big change is the addition of an optional Weaponsmith Extended (WSE) file.

It is not standalone… you still need to download and activate the main Desert Eagle Silencer mod, and then manually deactivate the esp from your load order if you no longer have the primary desert eagle esp in your load order.
This is consistent with how you currently have to download the main Desert Eagle plugin, and then switch off the esp as well if you are not running both concurrently e.g. whilst using Weaponsmith Extended for testing, but still running the primary Desert Eagle for compatibility with other mods.

Weaponsmith Extended is a needed solution for people using lots of gun mods. It is probably not the only solution, or the only implementation of the system Gambit77 has proposed, but it is what we have for now so I am supporting it.

If you use it, I would strongly suggest also using my Weaponsmith Extended Extension which makes the mess in your weapons workbench at least a little bit understandable

Version 1.3 Changelog

So I skipped releasing 1.2 as I wasn’t happy with it. I am not fully happy with 1.3 but it is good for a work in progress and functional.


The 4 auto receivers (1 for each color) have the following stats

No decrease in damage
No increase in rate of fire
No changes in accuracy

It fires bullets near enough at the same rate you can get by mashing your mouse button, with the advantage that you can actually aim fairly well whilst firing, and still use it for single shots.
There is a reasonable VATS penalty.

It is genuinely a lot of fun sunning around with a slow/powerful automatic receiver

Drum Magazine

The Drum magazine is the Extra Large Magazine nif with a combat shotgun drum nif merged with it. Uses default shotgun textures currently. Gives you 40 shots which is about 11 seconds of autofire or mouse mashing, which is plenty.
It is pretty heavy as per other drum mods.


I am not happy with the silencers yet, but this is what I did.

I moved the silencing component of the original “Silent Barrels” to real silencers. The titanium barrels still give a number of benefits.

To have a visible silencer you need to use the titanium barrel without the light currently. To get them working, at least short term I shoved a copper barrel down the snout. 2 of the default silencers (small / large) actually needed some kind of visible pipe anyway, and it isn’t visible from the front of the gun at all if you use the medium silcencer which is very much flush.

To Do:

.44 and .45 Caliber Conversion mod

There is currently a big gap between “Deliverer damage” and the Desert Eagle that could use filling with a .45 Caliber version, and .44 ammo as an option with no significant performance difference would be a good option for those that don’t want to use an ammo crafting mod.

Stabcops has created an alternate .44 pistol variant, but that isn’t intended to have both in game at once.

For now I would highly recommend using something like Craftable Ammunition but would suggest using only batches or it can make you level faster than you might wish.

Subsonic Ammo

I have had a request to make things even quieter, and the obvious way is to use subsonic ammo. I just want to do this and the caliber conversion in such as way that is remains compatible with other ammo conversion mods people might use, so it requires some experimenting with other mods.

Silencers / Barrel WIP

I am not happy with the kludge to get the silencers working with at least a standard “titanium” barrel, but the work to fix it would be much easier if the barrel with light wasn’t so different in the Nif.
Because of the different way the silencers from other guns connect, the visible pipe is a necessary evil.
Of course if I remade all the silencers then a pipe if needed could be added to the silencer instead of the barrel.

Getting the mods in game:

All available as standard mods at the weapons workbench


NMM 🙂 or however you install other ESPs.


If changes are made to the primary nifs which affect the attachment points (fixing them) then my current work around might make things a little funky.


Use at own risk. Do not upload this mod to other webpages unless I give you the permission to do so.

Known Issues I Probably Won’t Fix:

Yeah it is a silencer built into the barrel, live with it. This changed with 1.3 though you will only have a visible silencer using the titanium barrel without a light.

Titanium being lighter might affect how you feel any recoil, but I have decided that the way game mechanics work, better lighter materials = better performance in general, and iron sights needed tweaking or it would end up as another “V.A.T.S gun”

I never really see a magazine when playing, so I didn’t see much point in creating a larger magazine just for screenshots
Drum version has a visible drum for version 1.3 onwards.

The sound isn’t prefect – it is effectively Silenced .50 Hunting Rifle, though the sound for NPCs just seems wrong (on the original hunting rifle too)

The “zoomed in” reflex sight isn’t as realistic as the Combat Scopes mod, but really fun to use.

Thanks, credits and tools used:

– Desert Eagle .50 AE – Standalone Handgun by Stabcops
– FO4Edit
– Nifskope

Credits: sligth
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