Deeper Voice For Cait

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Deeper Voice For Cait

Deeper Voice For Cait

As requested. Not a fan of deeper female voices, myself, but at least in the case of Cait, it arguably makes a little sense. (But I’ll stick with Higher Voice For Cait.)

Higher Voice For Cait is here.
Female protagonist voice mods: Higher, deeper.
Male protagonist voice mods: Deeper, higher.
Other companion voice mods: Curie, Piper, Strong, Preston, X6-88.
Other voice mods: Female children, Super Mutants.
Other audio mods: IMPACTFUL NUKES.

Voice Types:

Voice Type A1: 2.8% lower.

Voice Type A2: 5.6% lower.

Voice Type A3: 8.3% lower.

Voice Type A4: 10.9% lower.

Voice Type A5: 13.4% lower.

Installation (as of 2016-01-18):

1. Follow the Fallout 4 Mod Installation guide to learn the latest method for setting up custom mods.

2. Add the name of the esp file of your chosen voice type (for example: “Higher Female Protagonist Voice (Japanese) – Type A4.esp”) to the plugins.txt file, which is typically located in C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Local\Fallout4.

3. Extract the contents of the archive to your Fallout4\Data\ directory.

NOTE: Beta patch 1.3 (and presumably official patches going forward) eliminates support for .bsa archives, unannounced and for no good reason. If/when you decide to patch your Fallout 4, it will be necessary to use the Bethesda Archive Extractor utility to extract the contents of this mod’s .bsa archive to your Data directory. Alternately, if Mod Organizer ever gets around to adding support for Fallout 4, a better solution will be to make use of said app.


1. Remove the archive’s extracted contents from your Fallout4\Data\ directory.

2. Remove the name of the esp file from your plugins.txt file.


I hope this mod is of use to others.

Credits: Asterra
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