Deeper Male Protagonist Voice

Fallout 4 Mods |

Deeper Male Protagonist Voice

Deeper Male Protagonist Voice

There were many requests for this. Having solved the female voice “problem” to my satisfaction, I personally will never make use of the male protagonist, but I know a lot of folks do. So here it is.

Plain and simple, this mod offers several flavors of deeper-sounding tweaks to the male protagonist’s voice. Deeper means deeper. It does not mean: A different accent, a different dialect, a dramatic change in pitch, or changes to other characteristics like how gravelly it sounds. No “Mad Max” rasp, sorry.

The video below is slightly spoilery, if you don’t yet know anything about a good neighbor.

Voice Types:

Voice Type A1: 2.8% lower.

Voice Type A2: 5.6% lower.

Voice Type A3: 8.3% lower. This is about as far as the voice can go before it stops sounding believably human.

Voice Type F1: 13.4% lower. For the sake of variety, here is a patently fake-sounding modification which, if nothing else, does sound somewhat more menacing.

Installation (as of 2015-11-12):

1. Make sure your Fallout.ini (typically located in C:\Users\(your username)\My Documents\My Games\Fallout4) has had “, Sound\” added to its “sResourceDataDirsFinal=” line, like so:

sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, Sound\

(Eventually, this manual modification should cease being necessary.)

2. Extract the contents of the archive to your Fallout4\Data\ directory.


1. Remove the archive’s extracted contents from your Fallout4\Data\ directory.


Basically no testing has been undertaken. But as with the other voice mods, I don’t anticipate any performance, stability or compatibility issues.

Credits: Asterra
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