Deeper Female Protagonist Voice
Deeper Female Protagonist Voice
Who would use something like this? Who!? Whatever – I’m not one to judge. The first voice mod I made was an attempt to correct what is, for my purposes, the single greatest flaw in Fallout 4: The too-low, too-old nature of the female protagonist’s voice. The only reason I’m releasing this is to round out the set, and satisfy the two people who requested this. I fully expect this mod to languish in do-not-want oblivion.
Note: I should point out that this mod is tagged as “English”, and this means that it is intended for the English version of Fallout 4 and, if used, will result in English dialogue. For this mod to work in other languages, new versions must be created for those languages.
The video below DOES NOT demonstrate this mod. I do not plan to make such a video. But you can use the video below to get an idea of what to expect.
Voice Types:
Voice Type A1: 2.8% lower.
Voice Type A2: 5.6% lower.
Voice Type A3: 8.3% lower.
Voice Type A4: 10.9% lower.
Installation (archived versions, as of 2015-11-30):
Note: I’ve temporarily abandoned the manual option for installation as there is some rare flaw in how Fallout 4 handles non-archived files, affecting maybe 1% of users. The flaw renders the mods unusable for said users, and because of its rarity, there’s no guarantee it will eventually be fixed.
1. Make sure your Fallout4Prefs.ini (typically located in C:\Users\(your username)\My Documents\My Games\Fallout4) has had “bEnableFileSelection=1” added under the “[Launcher]” category. Afterward, change the file’s properties to “read only” so your modification doesn’t get overwritten. (You will need to undo and redo this whenever you want to make other changes, such as graphics settings.)
2. Add the name of the esp file of your chosen voice type (for example: “Higher Female Protagonist Voice – Type A1.esp”) to the plugins.txt file, which is typically located in C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Local\Fallout4.
3. Extract the contents of the archive to your Fallout4\Data\ directory.
1. Remove the archive’s extracted contents from your Fallout4\Data\ directory.
2. Remove the name of the esp file from your plugins.txt file.
Nothing else to say, really.