Deadlier Weaponry and Everything else

Fallout 4 Mods |

Deadlier Weaponry and Everything else

Due to the insane number of guns and other weaponry in this game, I can’t specify each one. However, if you request it I will add it to the bottom of the file.

-approximately damage for all guns and all types of damage (gamma gun does more radiation damage, bullets do more damage, etc) ***
-approximately doubled damage for explosions. (Cars exploding, Minutemen mortars, mininukes, etc) ***
-All animals are deadlier, doing around double or even triple damage
-Most melee weapons will do 1.5x damage, most bladed melee weapons around 2x or 2.5x damage

-Works independently of difficulty

Put simply, everything hurts more. Radiation weapons do more, the flamer does more, the artillery mortars hurt more and have a larger radius. Affects every vanilla weapon in the game.

You can enable and disable the mod whenever you want, it will not ruin your save.

Notice anything too overpowered? Underpowered? Any bugs? Tell me, I will try to fix them quickly.

*** “approximately” because some damages may have been raised even more, like the knife, if I thought them weak. If you give me a specific example you want changed, I’ll definitely consider it

Credits: Philly Cheesesteak
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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