D13 Craftable Wearable Camo Backpacks

Fallout 4 Mods |

D13 Craftable Wearable Camo Backpacks

Simple immersive cooking/crafting of the Wearable Camo Backpacks by Aldebaran90 and Voivre.

I have created recipes to craft the backpacks at the cooking station and I only added the 50 (neck slot used for bandannas) and 61 (used for carrying baby Sean) slots because the 51 slot is the slot for the wedding ring and not to have +1 charisma is a huge drawback.

Please make sure to read the installation instruction on their mod it is little lengthy but nothing difficult. My mod goes after theirs in the load order.

Enjoy, don’t forget to endorse mods if you like them. Modders are putting a lot of effort and time into modding the least you can do is to click the endorse button if you are using the mod.

Aldebaran90 and Voivre for making awesome mod and the picture you see above.

I will do some plans that will be added to merchant inventory via super simple script or make a traveling merchant that will sell the bags them selves or… Possibilities are endless 🙂 But I will wait for G.E.C.K to do that.

My game crashes when I activate your mod.
Make sure you have installed properly and activated Wearable Camo Backpacks by Aldebaran90 and Voivre

Why cooking station?
Easiest to make recipes for and no conflict that I can think of.

Fellow Vault dwellers are you running out of screws gears and other basic stuff check out the Crafting basic components

Credits: Darkangel13
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