Craftable Taxidermied Creatures

Fallout 4 Mods |

Craftable Taxidermied Creatures

Taxidermied Creatures

Do you enjoy killing things? Are you disappointed by the upsetting lack of ways to relive your kill, over and over? Have you ever wanted to bang MacCready with a deathclaw 5 feet away?

If you answered “yes,” to any of these, then you’re a little disturbed, but that’s okay. This mod is for you.

This mod adds several craftable Taxidermy decorations for your home, and some bases to put them on. The bases are totally optional, as the creatures all stand fine by themselves. All of the items added by this mod are found under “Decorations>Wall hangings>Mounted animals.”

Crafting Requirements:

Mounted Deathclaw Hand: 1 wood, 1 deathclaw hand, 1 cloth
Taxidermied Deathclaw: 1 cloth, 1 deathclaw meat
Taxidermied Mole Rat: 1 cloth, 1 mole rat meat
Taxidermied Mirelurk: 1 cloth, 1 mirelurk meat
Taxidermied Mirelurk Hunter: 1 cloth, 5 mirelurk meat
Taxidermied Mirelurk King: 1 cloth, 5 mirelurk meat
Taxidermied Radscorpion: 1 cloth, 1 radscorpion meat, 1 radscorpion stinger
Taxidermied Yao Gaui: 1 cloth, 1 yao guai meat
Stone Taxidermy Bases: 1 concrete
Wood Taxidermy Bases: 1 wood

Known Issues:

The taxidermied deathclaw can be a little hard to grab. Aim for the groin/right leg area.
Similarly, the collision meshes for the stuffed creatures aren’t accurate. This doesn’t cause any noticeable issues, but you’ll be able to intersect them and shooting them won’t add the bullet decal.
The bases are all one size, which is perfect for most of the creatures. Unfortunately, resizing them in Nifskope does not change collision, meaning that the objects would appear to float above the base. To resize a base for a small animal (like the mole rat seen in the screenshots), use the “setscale .45” console command on the base, then use “modpos z -40” on the mole rat.


I’ve replaced/deleted nothing, and I’ve used base game keywords for Workshop sorting. This mod works fine with or without “Settlement Keywords,” and I can’t think of any possible compatibility issues.

I’ve played with this mod for a while, and haven’t seen any major problems. Let me know if there’s anything that I missed.


The textures used on the taxidermy bases are from ThEjEsTeRoFeViL’s fantastic texture pack. I highly recommend it if you ever want to retexture anything, ever. It includes animal furs, rock, ground, gore, skin, etc, and they’re all high-res and seamless. It also includes normal maps and specular maps for most of the textures. Can you really afford not to use it?
The geniuses behind NifSkope and Fo4Edit


Do whatever you want with this (except the textures, since those aren’t mine. See above). I don’t have the time or patience to learn meshing in 3ds or Blender, so if someone who already knows wants to create some smaller bases, please do.

Credits: smorris2012
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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