Craftable BOS Barricade

Fallout 4 Mods |

Craftable BOS Barricade

This mod allows you to build snapable Brotherhood of Steel Barricades. These barricades have a bunch of snap nodes. You can connect them to each other or to vanilla floors and stairs. For a nice even walkway you should place a connector between two segments.

You can attach three plates to the straight barricades: a large one for filling the hole beneath the walkway and two other plates you can use as battlements. As adding collision is pain currently, I only added the large plate for straight barricade segments. The curves will follow as soon as I figure out how to give them acceptable collision.

Known issues:
collision of the large plate is not perfect, as I reused the collision object of vanilla shack wall
the texture of the large plate is ugly, because the UV map somehow broke while exporting from 3ds Max
sometimes the connector between two segments does not snap
the walkway has no navmesh (=> pathing information) attached

I will definitely update this mod when I manage to fix these issues. Anyway some of them need to wait until the CK comes out. Furthermore there are a few barricade segments I did not add yet (mainly different types of stairs).

You can find the barricades under “Structures > Fences > Misc Fences”. Enjoy!

Credits: DarthWayne
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