Configurable Power Armor Fusion Core Drain

Fallout 4 Mods |

Configurable Power Armor Fusion Core Drain

Update 11/13/15
-New!- There are new options! The main download now contains a ‘No Movement Drain’ Option that removes all movement power drain, and reduces jetpack use by 50%. Also a new file that contains options for increasing the Power Drain. Both by request! Thanks for the suggestions, keep them coming.
-New!- There are now several options for power armor drain. No drain, 10% power usage, 25% usage, and 50% usage. The download contains all files, please choose ONLY ONE!!
Note that 10% power usage means that the power armor will now only use 10% power compared to vanilla. So 50% cuts it in half, and 25% is 1/4 of the power draw. The lower the percentage, the longer the fusion cores will last.

This mod allows you to change how quickly power armor fusion cores drain.
If you choose No Drain, the suit still has to have a core!


Unzip your preferred .esp from the downloaded file into Fallout4/Data/
In %Appdata%/local/Fallout4 edit plugins.txt (Most likely C:/Users/–user–/AppData/Local/Fallout4) – AppData is a hidden folder!
Add the filename (including .esp) of the esp you added to /Data/ to the end of the plugins.txt file. Save, and SET PLUGINS.TXT AS READ-ONLY.

Launch the game!

Credits: RAWberry400
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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