Conduits and Pylons Various Wireless Power

Fallout 4 Mods |

Conduits and Pylons Various Wireless Power

While spending about 50 hours trying all kinds of setups and combinations to automatically turn on lights in a settlement I found out the default conduits and pylons have wireless power (500 range) interaction with light bulbs that can cause unwanted effects on your housing setup. This mod adds NoWireless (range is 0), WeakWireless (range is 50) and StrongWireless (range is 1000 for conduit, 5000 for small pylon and 10000 for large) options to the conduits and pylons that can be crafted without changing the default ones.

Examples for use of the NoWireless option is to make a power pole out of the large pylon that will not give off power wirelessly but raises the power lines off the street. I used NoWireless pylons and conduits in conjunction with pressure plates to make an ugly yet functional way for my settlement to have lights that turn on at night and off during the day. Requires finding out where your settlers (the more the better) congregate after “work” and luck that they will stand on the plates (again the more the more likely they will).

Sometimes it seems they actively avoid standing on the pressure plates out of pure spite. I also placed a sleeping bag over a pressure plate and assigned a settler to it so the light will always come on at least when she sleeps. It will also allow the close placement of counters and interval pylons that will not interfere with each other.

Credits: Okigai
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2 Responses

  1. forcedalias says:

    God I’d love to be able to change a power conduits range with console cheats… I’d install one and set it to over the entire settlement.

    Still, it’s nice to see some mods released for this.

    • forcedalias says:

      Holy crap. Just after wishing it, I found it! Makes sense too since it’s the next actor variable after the Power Generator strength:

      On conduit:
      getav 32f
      setav 32f 10000

      On generator:
      getav 32e
      setav 32e 1000

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