Concealed Armors

Fallout 4 Mods |

Concealed Armors

This mod adds a category to armor pieces called Visibility. At no cost you can dynamically modify armor pieces to be invisible. And you can change them back to visible whenever you want. You can imagine that the armor is concealed underneath your outfit. You can hide all your armor pieces, or only the ones you don’t like. It’s up to you. You can run around naked while still having full armor protection if you want.

The armor pieces affected are limited to the 5 armor pieces (chest, legs, and arms) of all the armor categories (leather, raider, metal, combat, synth). It works for all 3 tiers of each armor, and it works fine with legendaries.

The armor pieces will stay invisible no matter who is wearing them so you can outfit your settlers in heavy combat armor without ruining their outfits.

This mod is designed to be used in conjunction with Armorsmith Extended as a solution for the problem of armor pieces clipping with full outfits. However the mod works fine as a standalone mod as well.

This mod may conflict with other mods which modify armor pieces.

To my great frustration I haven’t found a way to make this work with helmets. It seems I can’t toggle the hair on and off dynamically, so I have to choose between having the hair visible with the helmet which clips like crazy or hide the hair and concealed armor makes you bald. Or I could replace the helmet model with a number of wigs you could choose from in the concealed armor section. I’m not sure what to do.

This mod adds two armor mods, Concealed Armor to hide the armor and No Concealment to make the armor visible again. By default, armor pieces you acquire will be visible, but won’t actually have the No Concealment mod. So if you mod an armor piece to have No Concealment, it won’t stack with a newly acquired armor piece which is otherwise identical. I can fix this by forcing all armor pieces to spawn with the No Concealment mod on them, but the problem is so minor it might actually be worse to fix it since the more things I change, the higher the chances some other mod will conflict with mine.

This mod was made with FO4edit and nifskope.

Credits: Nisas
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