Commonwealth Militiamen Flag
Full disclosure, this is my first mod.
Additional disclosure: I am also a Patriots fan, and thought there should be some kind of equivalent in post apocalyptic Boston. I know football wasn’t king until the 70’s and 80’s and that strays somewhat from the 50’s aesthetic of the world, but football is awesome. So, I started by throwing together a completely mediocre Commonwealth of Massachusetts Militiamen logo in PS, based on the old Pats logo, with the old Pat Patriot wearing some T-45 Power Armor instead.
This flag WILL REPLACE THE MINUTEMEN FLAG in game. I tried messing with F04 edit and found myself hopelessly outmatched. When the GECK finally comes out, then I can create a separate item. Assuming the GECK is still similar to the old TES mod kit from Morrowind… And assuming I’m not the only one using this file.
I would eventually like to upgrade the texture and holes in the flag to be a little more HD, for lack of a better term.
Installation Instructions
1. Use NMM
2. Reset archive invalidation
3. Enjoy
If you choose to install manually, just extract the archive into your Fallout4 data folder. I have no idea how to handle archive issues at that point, and other modders explain it infinitely better than I do. If this is somehow the first mod you’re installing, and you’re not using NMM, you might want to try a different mod first.