Combined Arms – Modern Weapon Pack
Combined Arms is a large weapon pack consisting of some of my better weapons plus some brand new ones all with a large array of attachments and configurations. No matter what situation or enemy you come up against you should have something to take it down.
All returning weapons have been greatly improved with better textures, materials and new attachment options.
– 14 different weapons ranging from handguns to high caliber rifles, all listed above.
– Long list of ammo type options for each weapon, usually a tradeoff between stats..
– A number of poses by Neto and Triangulum, listed below.
– Reticle customisation, every reflex sight has 8 different ones each.
– Support for Scrivener’s Scope Overlay Framework with a custom scope overlay for the long range scopes.
– Quite a sizable amount of customisation options, both large and small for every weapon.
– Complete Leveled List integration, appropriate weapons will spawn on both Gunners and Raiders and in stores.
– Support for Shavkacagarikia’s Bullet Counted Reload System (BCR) with the SPAS-12.
Fallout 4 Version 1.10.162 or Higher.
Due to recent changes in the latest updates to Fallout 4 and the Creation Kit that were done to expand the number of forms plugins can have means this mod and a majority of mods to release from now will not work in any version prior to 1.10.162, if you find your game crashing or
the mod just ‘not appearing’ after installation then it is likely you are not running this version of the game and you will have to update.
I also recommend using an ENB that replaces the vanilla bloom as it may over bloom the reticles in a way none of the ENBs used during testing do. I personally use Seasons of the Abyss and some colour tweaks in reshade.
– How can I get the weapons?
There are many ways of getting the weapons:
– Crafting at a Chem Lab
– Certain weapons have presets if they have variants that differ greatly from the base model like the AKM, RPK and AKS-74U or G36C and MG36.
– Options to craft the new ammo types from either raw materials, vanilla ammo or for free.
– There’s also a second menu where you can craft large amounts of the ammo and the weapons themselves for free.
– Finding various instances I have placed around the game world, there’s at least 1 for each weapon but not keeping track of where so it’ll be a surprise reward for anyone exploring.
– It is in the levelled lists, you should be able to find it in weapon vendors and on gunners/raiders.
– Console commands or In-Game ESP Explorer.
– Any incompatabilities?
Due to using a custom skeleton in order to have a belt fed machine gun be animated as good as possible it will be incompatible with any mod that replaces the skeleton with the exception of other belt fed weapons created using the same skeleton by i_code_i.
A notable example is ZaZ -Extended-Skeleton (ZeX) but as the only reason I can think of using this is for mods containing nudity .
I doubt there would be too much of an overlap with people who want to use these weapons as intended but if you do have to keep using that you simply need to make sure those files overwrite the ones included in this mod but you won’t be able to use the M249.
It is still compatible with CBBE and any other body mod that doesn’t edit the vanilla skeleton.
– Why add your own ammo?
I didn’t want to create any hard dependencies on either a DLC or other mod so you’ll likely end up with some overlap, the benefit of this to users is you can use whichever caliber mod you like whenever someone inevitably creates a patch for it.
– What are the commands for the include idle animations?
First of all you want to equip the weapon but keep it holstered, then go into third person and click on the character you want to apply the idle to.
Then use the following commands to change the idle:
playidle Barret_1
playidle Barret_2
playidle Barret_3
playidle Barret_4
playidle Barret_5
playidle Barret_6
playidle Barret_7
playidle Barret_8
playidle Barret_9
playidle Barret_10
(Yes, Barrett is mispelt as Barret)
In order to get back to normal you simply have to go into first person and then back into third.
Currently there are only custom idle animations for the Barrett M82A1, I don’t recommend using them on other weapons but I will update here if more are created.
– Will any of the new weapons be released standalone?
No, the main reason is that there are a lot of assets and forms shared between the weapons and the only real way to make any weapon standalone would be to effectively recreate it.
– XYZ Isn’t realistic!
I don’t care if something has been made in real life or not, the player isn’t ordering premade parts from a shop they are creating and assembling them using the tools available to them which with a bit of suspension of disbelief allows for a lot of creative and interesting customisation options that someone living in a post apocalyptic world might make. Besides if you don’t like something the simple solution would be to simply ignore it and opt for one of the many realistic options I’ve included.
– Why is it so big?
Something has to give, 14 weapons with the same or greater level of customisation than most standalone weapons requires a lot of assets and textures and I wanted to keep things high quality so most textures are 2K resolution and a handful are 4K.
– Damage Modifiers?
The one that is crafted for free in the second menu will have damage modifiers ranging from -50% to +100% in 10% increments, this way it’s there for the people that want it and hidden for the people that don’t.
– Patch for Horizon or other overhaul mods?
I won’t be doing any patches for other mods, anyone is welcome to make and release their own as long as it’s esp only.
– Xbox Version?
Anyone is welcome to port to xbox, just give credit.
– What armor/clothing/presets are in the screenshots?
Almost none of the screenshots are mine (because I suck at screenshots) and are mostly private mods so don’t bother asking.