Clintsters Vendor Cash Registers

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Clintsters Vendor Cash Registers

Clintsters Vendor Cash Registers

Small up date:
With a up date to FO4Edit I re cleaned the .esp and found nine Identical to Masters for most this will/was not a problem. But with the release of the CK and two up dates to FO4Edit I went in and re cleaned the mod and took a look at it in the CK. the new .esp will work on all versions of the mod down load the one you want the down load the new .esp and replace the old one with the new one, if you are having any problems.

Author: Clintster74/Lapdragon

This mod adds 18 stand alone Cash Registers to be used as Settlement vendors.

Ever get fed up with trying to place the big bulky vendor stands that take up all that room with there sighs sticking through the roof of a shack, get tired of doing your trading out in the rain because the stands are just to tall in a shack. Ever think it Would be nice to make use of the counter in the house in Covenant or the counters at Boston Airport or all that extra counter space at Bunker Hill. Wouldn’t it nice to just place a cash register on one of those counters or use the counter found in the workshop for a vender. Now you can with Vendor Cash Registers.

There is a register for each category and for each level for vender found in Resources>Stores.

Placement of Register:
When placing the register, place the back of the register to the front edge of the counter so there is space between the NPC and the register, give the NPC/vender room to lean on the counter and do there cleaning of the counter top (there is a slight bit of clipping when cleaning of the NPC’s hand in to the register)

Placement of Small Registers
Leave small space between the back of the register and the front edge of the counter (see screen shots)

A coy of FO4

I have add two optional files:
The new main file will be Small with clean textures.
There will be a optional file Small with dirty textures (game vanilla)
This down sizes the register a little making it easier to see the NPC. No need to uninstall and reinstall, just down load the new file and allow for overwrite.

Unpack the Zip to the folder of your choice, Drag and drop the DATA folder to your Fallout4 game folder (were the data folder and .exe is at) allow for overwrite if asked

Or use NMM

To uninstall:
Remove the Vender_Cash Register .esp from your Data folder and remove Clintster74 from your Textures, meshes and Materials folders

Lapdragon for the initial .esp, done with FO4edit

Special Thanks to:
For the kick in the head to get me to looking at the positioning problem the right way and fix it

And as always to

Bond123 my old tutor and mentor who so many years ago took me under his wing and got me started with textures and NifSkope.

Future Plans:
To make new clean textures.

Tools used:
Photo shop CS5

Legal and Licensing
You must get permission from Lapdragon and my self to use the .esp.
My textures are free to use Just credit me if you do
You may not up load this mod to any other hosting site
You may not re upload this mod in any way, shape or form with out my Permission.
You may not use my textures in any mod that you are asking donations for.

Thanks for looking


Credits: Clintster74_lapdragon
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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1 Response

  1. chris says:

    Good to see you still modding! you and Bond are my modding idles! Its me Chris! Fav mod every was bugsy house re textured!
    Miss you and bond!

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