Clear Hazmat Helmet

Fallout 4 Mods |

Clear Hazmat Helmet

Tried to make a clear visor for the hazmat helmet, juste like flight helmets. As Fo4 doesn’t support transparency really well (All or nothing), it’s a bit harder than editing an alpha channel on Ps and adding a NiAlphaProperty.

Seems to work properly in game, but I don’t have time to do extensive tests right now, so… Use at your own risk.
Some haircuts will clip and you may have to unequip gasmak, headband, glasses, etc.

Black hazmat textures on screenshots not included, they’re from “Grey and Black Hazmat Suit – Retexture”

Fully compatible with mods that doesn’t alter meshes (HazmatSuit/FHelmet.nif; MHelmet.nif), material (HazmatSuit/HazmatSuitHelmetNew.BGSM) or biped nodes (.esp).
Retextures may not be 100% compatible.

Compatibility list:
Skin tight Hazmat Suit – CBBE : No issue as of v1.2.1
… Not including : No issue
… Including : You’ll have to edit it and set the visor to fully transparent (black on alpha channel)
When using Intel Texture works, always check if transparency is really applied after save (close and re-open file). So if you work on diffuse maps (*, you’d better save with nvidia DDS Plugin.

Bugs v0.4:
-Typo on folder names: If you have pink textures, try to rename “Material” folder to “Materials” as suggested by Niliano on comments.
-Invisible helmet: Looks like I’ve just forgot to pack a material.
-Esp needed for actor head to appear.

Update v0.5:
-Pink textures and invisible helmet should be fixed now.
-Renamed ESP as it is *really* required.
Let me know if you still have issues.

Little readme included for modders wanting to convert other head wear with opaque parts (gas mask, glasses, …)

Feel free to use for your own mod, credit me or not, I don’t care. Just keep it on Nexus.

Credits: clory
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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