Classic Fallout Ambient Music

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Classic Fallout Ambient Music

Classic Fallout Ambient Music

This mod alters ambient music played during exploration/dungeons/etc., replacing it with tracks from Fallout 1&2


I wasn’t a big fan of Inon Zurs renition of the Fallout soundtrack and felt like it didn’t quite live up to the glory of the Classics; So i made this. yay.
For all fans of the original, those that were missing that certain “Fallout feeling” and everyone that wants to try something different.

Specifically you will hear Fallout 1 and 2 music while exploring the wasteland instead of fallout 4’s default tracks. I’ve tried to choose tracks fitting the overall mood of the setting (for example urban areas have slightly different songs then the general wasteland, which are different from dungeons and so on)

Note that combat music, special tracks occurring during scripted sequences and songs playing at certain points in the Main Quest have been left untouched, this mod only affects the generic ambient music.


Track List:


1. Metallic Monks
2. Desert Wind
3. A Trader’s Life
4. The Vault of the Future
5. Industrial Junk
6. Moribund World
7. Vats of Goo
8. City of the Dead
9. Second Chance
10. Underground Troubles
11. City of Lost Angels
12. Followers’ Credo
13. Radiation Storm
14. Acolytes of the New God
15. Flame of the Ancient World
16. Khans of New California

[Fallout 2]

1. Arroyo Theme
2. Modoc Theme
3. Redding Theme
4. Vault City Theme
5. San Francisco Theme


How to enable modding:

Navigate to your Fallout 4 Folder at the following location “Documents/My Games/Fallout 4”
Within this folder will be a number of .ini files, highlight “Fallout4Prefs.ini” and “Fallout4.ini”.
Right Click, select Properties and ensure that these are NOT marked as read only.
Open Fallout4Prefs.ini with your favourite text editor (I use Notepad++).
Navigate to the very bottom and you will see the line [Launcher]. Directly underneath this, copy the following text:bEnableFileSelection=1
Save and Close
Open Fallout4.ini with your favourite text editor.
Find the line that reads: sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\
Save and close.



via NMM:
Nexus Mod Manager
Download via manager, tick “install and enable”, launch. done.

Manual install:
1. Copy the file contents into your fallout 4 “Data” directory
(default location: C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Fallout4\Data\)

2. Locate your plugins.txt file in your AppData folder
(The AppData folder can be found in LocalDisk(C:)/Users/[YourUsername]/AppDataand Folders”Alternatively, in windows explorer, you can type
“%appdata%” into the browser bar and be taken directly to this folder.This folder is hidden by default. To ensure that you are able to see hidden files in
windows file explorer, access Tools > Folder Options > View > then select “Show Hidden Files”)
Run the Fallout 4 Launcher (do not run the game) then quit the launcher. This will populate your plugins.txt file with the newly added ESP file.
Open the plugins.txt file located in your AppData folder with a text editor such as Notepad++
Make sure “Classic Fallout Music.esp” is on the list (without quotation marks).

3. Launch Fallout 4



via NMM: select Classic Fallout Ambient Music, click disable

Manual Uninstall:

1. Modify the plugins.txt file (as described in the installation process) and remove the “Classic Fallout Music.esp”

2. Navigate to your Fallout 4 Data folder, delete “Classic Fallout Music.esp”

3. Navigate to your Fallout 4 Data\Music\Palettes\ folder and delete the “Fo1Classic” and “Fo2Classic” folders



Conflicts with everything that edits the wasteland/exploration music
Should work fine with other sound mods (like realistic weapon sounds or Power armor movement sounds)



No known bugs.


Created with Fo4edit

Have fun!

Credits: Zako1989
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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