CBBE Underwear Retexture for Armorsmith Extended

Fallout 4 Mods |

CBBE Underwear Retexture for Armorsmith Extended

This is a small retexture project where I retextured the underwear from Armorsmith Extended in order to make them compatible with CBBE. It bummed be out previously because I enjoyed having some kind of underwear on the characters if I was in the process of changing their outfits. In the end, I decided to take the CBBE body into 3dCoat and Photoshop to paint on the diffuse, specularity, and normals myself.

What This Does
This is a simple texture replacer for the underwear in Armorsmith Extended. Simply install this via NMM or export it directly into your data folder for Fallout 4. YOU MUST HAVE ARMORSMITH EXTENDED AND CBBE INSTALLED. This isn’t a standalone.

Changes I May Make in the Future
Paint the normals in a bit better instead of what I did currently.

Caliente – For CBBE and the associated body textures.
Gambit77 – for Armorsmith Extended
agentbrea – for the vanilla body textures

Credits: Ragegamer
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