CBBE and Bodyslide Multi-Cam Vault 111 Suit

Fallout 4 Mods |

CBBE and Bodyslide Multi-Cam Vault 111 Suit

CBBE Multi-Cam Vault 111 Suit

Tired of running around the wasteland looking like a smurf? Tired of sticking out like a sore thumb when your trying to hide?
Well no more, with this highfalutin Multi-cam Vault Suit, you can run around the wasteland in style, and have camouflage that doesn’t
make you look like you just got off stage with the Blue man group.

This is a standalone mod that adds a Multi-Cam Vault 111 suit to the game. It comes with two versions, male and female. This mod requires Caliente’s Beautiful Bodies Enhancer and Bodyslide by Ousnius. If you don’t have them you can grab them from the links.

To add armor to the game you must use the console.

help “Multi-Cam Vault Suit” 0

use the resulting message to obtain the item ID then use:

player.additem x y

(x = itemID) (y = number of items you want)

Non CBBE version
If you don’t have CBBE, or bodyslide, and you don’t want to install them. Check out my non CBBE standalone version here.

For manual installation:
1. download mod.
2. extract .7z file to your fallout4/data directory.
3. overwrite files.

For NMM installation:
1. download mod with NMM.
2. Activate mod with NMM.
3. Your done.

Credit to Caliente and Ousnius for creating tools that make this possible. Check out their mods and tools in the links above.

Credits: Ririken203
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