C93 – Improved Basher Perk

Fallout 4 Mods |

C93 – Improved Basher Perk


It is my personal opinion that weapon bashing is severely underpowered in this game. To combat this, I made a small change to the Basher perk.

This mod buffs the Basher perk to provide further increased damage to your bash attacks. Instead of providing 25/50/75/100% additional damage, it now provides 50/100/150/200% additional damage.

The additional effects of the perk, such as the chance to cause a critical hit or cripple an enemy’s limb, were left untouched.


If anyone knows how to universally just increase the damage that weapon bashing does please let me know in the comments or a PM/DM. I’m assuming it is handled via a gamesetting value, but I couldn’t find one while searching through them all in FO4Edit. Thanks!
This mod was made solely through FO4Edit. I suppose that’s worth mentioning since I heard TESSnip mods can cause problems.


Fallout 4


Use NMM. Just do it.

Credits: cag93
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