Bunker Hill Utility Basement Fix

Fallout 4 Mods |

Bunker Hill Utility Basement Fix


Depending on which faction the Sole Survivor decides to side with, the quest The Battle of Bunker Hill may send them to the Utility Basement in Bunker Hill. If so, they will face stiff opposition from turrets and opposing forces. If not, then the area remains present, but empty. However, if the Sole Survivor sides with the Brotherhood of Steel during the initial parts of the quest, then changes their mind and completes the quest without entering the Utility Basement, the area is left filled with turrets that cannot be killed, cannot be targeted, and cannot be disabled.


Several objects are enabled when the Sole Survivor initially sides with the Brotherhood of Steel, including a series of triggers that control the combat sequence which unfolds in the Utility Basement. However, one of those triggers – the trigger which initially enables the turrets and various corpses – is not tied to the main enable parent object. This means the trigger is always active, and its script (which presumably checks to see if the Sole Survivor alerted the Brotherhood) will enable the turrets even after the quest has been completed. Since none of the rest of the triggers ever activate, the turrets are left in a permanent state of invulnerability


The solution for this was fairly simple: link the first trigger to the same enable parent object as the rest of them. This ensures that the trigger is only active when the quest is, and only when relevant to the choices the Sole Survivor has made.


This fix will also prevent the various bodies in the Utility Basement from spawning, so you can’t go through there collecting easy loot without having made the appropriate quest choices. Sorry, but there was no other way to get the fix done.

Credits: Yukichigai
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