BuildingBlocks Foundations

Fallout 4 Mods |

BuildingBlocks Foundations

BuildingBlocks Foundations Please remember to endorse if you like this mod…

Adds new craftable foundations, without any floors attached!


Floors can be attached on top (even modded ones)
Snaps to itself at the top, bottom and sides
Over 40 variations including Concrete, Brick, Panel (or Tile), Institute and Stone [1] Separate “Foundations” category within the build menu
Usable by NPC’s (also includes working collision)
Height allows for easy construction of multiple floors
Scrapping returns part of materials
Does not modify existing game files [2] [1] I’ve gone through about 30% of vanilla materials, so there might be more to come.
[2] Except for one minor change in order to add a new build menu category, see “Mod Compatibility” further down for more information.

Please read the description and stickied posts (in the forums) before asking questions, also make sure to post in the right thread (makes it easier for me to reply).

Bugs & Feedback
Modding Questions
General Discussion

Use NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) to get a step-by-step installation, alternatively you can also install manually by following the instructions further down.

Having difficulty installing?
Manual Installation

Extract contents of archive to /Data
Enable BuildingBlocks.esm
Enable ONE .esp (which one is entirely depended on your needs).
Mod Compatibility
Custom floors are fully compatible, the only requirement being they use vanilla connect points (P-Floor / P-Floor-Dif).

Mods which also modify the build menu are slightly incompatible (patches available) as they might override each other, meaning certain categories might not appear. This will not cause any buildings you’ve placed to disappear, and a simple workaround is to change the load order of this and the other mod(s).

Bugs and Feedback
Read about known issues and submit feedback (like bug reports and feature requests) at Bugs & Feedback.

Permissions & Mod Creation
Feel free to use this mod and files contained within for educational purposes, however:

Please do NOT copy or share any assets without my consent!

A lot of time went into teaching myself about both NifSkope and 3ds Max. This was entirely new ground for me up until a few weeks ago and these are actually the first ever models/meshes I’ve created (most of my modding experience came from scripting).

I’ve documented most of the process at [COMING SOON], use it to learn more about modding yourself and get started creating your own assets (instead of copying!).
Nexus Permissions

Users may [NOT] upload these files to other sites.
Users may [NOT] convert this file so that it works on similar games.
Users may [ONLY WITH PERMISSION] modify this file; including releasing bug fixes or improving on the features my file adds to the game, and upload it as a separate file.
Users may [ONLY WITH PERMISSION] use assets contained in these files in their own files.


3ds Max
Material Editor
FOMOD Creation Tool

Credits: QuietusPlus
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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