Build High

Fallout 4 Mods |

Build High

Build High

This mod effectively eradicates the height limit that you are restricted by in build mode in Sanctuary Hills and some other settlements. You are now able to build your sky-SCRAP-er you always wanted. (I’m so sorry… ) Currently four settlements joined the mile high club, as it were, all contained in a single download. For convenience, they are also available as separate downloads.

There is an optional download (Build High – Sanctuary Hills Expanded) which, besides the height modification, extends the build area to encompass the entirety of Sanctuary Island and the area around Vault 111. In case of this mod, the original green boundary has been moved out of the way as it no longer applies. I think that can only be adjusted to fit the modified area once the G.E.C.K. is released. I tried, but I’m new. You will have to find your own limits.

Warning #1 The mod doesn’t really erase the height limit but sets a new value for it so big that you will run into glitches way before you could reach the maximum. (I kept falling through the floor at seemingly random points at extreme heights.) I did not test this extensively as I am perfectly satisfied with the 15-story tower I built for myself but you should be fine up to at least three or four times of that.

Warning #2 In the case of “Sanctuary Hills Expanded”, some (quite a few, actually) trees, items and whatnot that it brings into the build area CANNOT be scrapped. Those that can be are close to the original boundary and to Vault 111. I’m guessing that Sanctuary was planned to be a bit bigger than what it eventually ended up to be. Anyway, it is beyond my skills at this point to fix that, this being my first venture into modding, and all. So, take it for what it is.

Warning #3 “Sanctuary Hills Expanded” is NOT compatible with the original, non-expanded one. Therefore it’s NOT compatible with the main file either.
Use it in combination with the other optional files or as a standalone.

Have fun. Build away. Don’t get too high.

Note #1 Should be compatible with anything, really. It modifies a handful of values that define the dimensions of the building area in the settlements so it is only incompatible with mods that do the same.
Note #2 Made with FO4Edit.

Credits: Sychon
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1 Response

  1. combatzone says:

    … please lift!?

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