Bow and Arrow – Standalone

Fallout 4 Mods |

Bow and Arrow – Standalone

Adds fiberglass longbow and arrows as standalone weapon.


– Doesn’t replace anything existing.
– Bow and Arrows can be crafted at chemistry station (components required, no perk requirements yet).
– Arrows can be picked up from ground and bodies after firing (some arrows are lost if they hit npc).
– Arrows are fired at arc.
– Arrow damage can be increased by holding firing button.
– Accurate aiming system with glowing sights.
– Additional arrows and bow modifications are planned to be added in future updates.
– Damage can be improved with Big Leagues perk.
– Stealth damage benefits from Ninja up to 9x.

About the sights:

The bow uses arrows which fly in arc, meaning that normal sights like on every gun wouldn’t work. To allow precise firing, I’ve made sights for it which utilize rangefinding method to determine approximate distance to target using the crosshair. To determine distance, place the crosshair on your target. At 25m, your target will be twice as tall as the crosshair, at 50m as tall as the crosshair, and at 100m half as tall as the crosshair (see the images for clarification). After you’ve determined the distance, aim at the target using the correct sight pin; top for 25m, mid for 50 and bottom for 100m. If the target is between the ranges, try to adjust the aiming point between the pins to correct the offset.

Known/possible issues and glitches:

– Despite the relatively high number in the damage display, the bow deals seemingly weak damage, at least at higher levels.
– The animations are from gauss rifle and don’t fit the bow, but at the moment I can’t do anything about it. They also may in some occasions refuse to play.
– The bow and arrow meshes were made in nifskope using pool cues, so they look only slightly better than the animations, but I can’t personally import new custom meshes so they’ll have to do for now. If you have access to 3ds max and are interested in converting some meshes to nif so that I can use them, feel free to contact me.
– Some arrows appear to remain in the hit object despite picking them up, allowing to loot infinite arrows.
– Some arrows might pass through the target, however this is most likely caused by me simply missing (moving targets are quite tricky).
– I experienced weird glitch which resulted in inability to swap to first person mode and caused the character and pip-boy background to appear transparent whilst trying the bow out. It may not be caused by this mod (I’ve seen it occur earlier on as well), but let me know if you feel like this happens to you and you think it may be caused by this mod.
– CTD’s are possible, especially VATS seems quite volatile at this point.
-VATS hit chances are weaker than they should.

If you want to help with the development of this mod, you can do following:

– Use it. I haven’t yet got enough time to test it around sufficiently to balance and refine some aspects like the damage and fire rate and I would like to get your feedback on what should be changed.
– Suggest what kind of weapon mods you’d like to see, however please notice that I can’t do too much about the mesh without someone to do some converting.
– Offer assistance with converting meshes to nif if you have access to 3ds max and got some basic understanding on how to do it. I haven’t yet made improved models with Blender, but once I can expect that I can get them converted and added, they will get pretty quickly done.

Tools used:

Material Editor

Blender (for model previewing)
Corel Paintshop Pro

My other mods:
Tactical Cap
Carpet Bomber and Quad-Launcher
Grenade Pistol and APW – Standalone
Polymer Stock for Double-Barrel Shotgun
Industrial objects retexture
M9 pistol retexture (original by ff7cloudstrife)
Parang Machete retexture (original by Dhegonus)

Credits: Junnari
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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