BOS Officer Uniform 1st Person FiX (Standalone Outfit Meshes)

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BOS Officer Uniform 1st Person FiX (Standalone Outfit Meshes)

BOS Officer Uniform 1st Person View Fix
(Standalone Outfit Meshes)

A mistake of vanilla game, when you equip the BOS Officer Uniform the first person view swap to BOS Uniform.
This mod fix the issue, when the BOS Officer Uniform is equipped you can see the BOS Officer Uniform in 1st Person.

Come in Four Versions:
Like in vanilla game with Vanilla Bodies
Like in vanilla game with CBBE Bodies
Upgreadable at Armorsmith Workbench with Vanilla Bodies
Upgreadable at Armorsmith Workbench with CBBE Bodies

For example pictures i used my textures.
Are a modified variant of my other textures, here: Minimalist BOS Uniform
(that are more similar to vanilla versions)
I will publish the new version soon.
For the AE Version Armorsmith Extended by Gambit77 is required.
Also Armor Keywords Community Resource (AKCR) by Valdacil and Gambit77 is required.

This mod not change textures. You can use textures you prefer.
This is just the fix.
Now you can personalize body meshes for BOS Officer Uniform.
If you prefer another model you can use another mesh totally different, at your choice.
I’ve uploaded “pre-made base” versions, one with vanilla meshes and one with CBBE meshes plus BodySlide files.
If you want use your own different meshes, you can rename new files to:
Path = meshes\armor\KnightUnderArmor\
Files = FBodyBlack1stPerson.nif

An example? You can use “Skimpy meshes” of 2pac4eva7 for BOS Uniforms
and use CBBE BodySlide version for BOS Officer… or whatever you want!
The CBBE Version of files comes with a premade CBBE Outfit mesh
so if you want use that, BodySlide is not required
(so… outfit meshes without Bodyslide looks unreal, better use your preset to fit well)
Next time i’ll upload an edited CBBE Base Outfit Version more realistic to use without Bodyslide.

If you use the Bodyslide, BOS Officer set name is: BOS Officer Uniform

It is not compatible with mods that changes bos officer armor values, i think.
If u want try with another mod, you can try to load my esp plugin before the other plugin that change lining mods.
Personally i use Armorsmith Extended.
The AE version of plugin have as master files ArmorKeywords.esm (required in the last version of Armorsmith Extended)
and ArmorsmithExtended.esp so you can upgrade suits as you want. This version will be load after the two master plugins.

V1.1 – Added Body Meshes so you can personalize the BOS Officer with different meshes.
Added a Vanilla Version and a CBBE Version with Bodyslide Files.
Now you can use different presets than BOS Uniforms.

Sorry for bad eng…

Credits: AnGDeV
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