Bloody Mess – Enhanced Blood Textures Mod ADD-ON

Fallout 4 Mods |

Bloody Mess – Enhanced Blood Textures Mod ADD-ON


This is a 2k blood texture for the ‘Enhanced Blood Textures(EBT)’ mod. EBT is required and must be installed as per below. It currently replaces a single humanoid blood texture in EBT, that provides 4 different patterns, in-game. I may do more later.

This texture has been designed to provide a more realistic ‘kinetic’ atmosphere to your post-apocalyptic raiding…I mean scavenging -the patterns look like high calibre weapons and grim melee combat has taken place. Rather than the ‘droplets’ most blood textures provide, this texture looks and feels high impact -blood pooling and arterial spray. Not really for the squeamish! Check the images to know what your in for.

This will work best with realistic damage mods. The patterns are designed to compliment each other, but too much repetition will spoil the effect on bullet sponges.


Enhanced Blood Textures – is required and must be installed BEFORE this mod.

You must install EBT with the following settings: ‘Experimental Plugin > (Plugin)Medium, Alternate Default Colour’.


1. Install ‘Enhanced Blood Textures’ by dDefinder1, following his instructions(don’t forget to Endorse his mod!).
2. Install ‘Bloody Mess – EBT ADDON’ with NMM and select ‘yes to all’ when prompted to overwrite.

Manual – Copy the folder into your Data folder. Allow this file to overwrite the ‘Enhanced Blood Texture’ when prompted.


To un-install this texture, you will have to un-install both this mod and ‘Enhanced Blood Textures(EBT)’.

If you just want to restore the normal ‘Enhanced Blood Textures’ mod: Manually copy the ‘Blood_Splatter_SUBTEXTURES’ from the EBT Textures>decals folder download, and overwrite the file in the same folder of your game install.

V1.0 – SERIAL KILLER EDITION – Large scale horror.
V1.1 – Minus 15% Scale, just slightly smaller and more realistic, probably.


BiG THANKS & all CREDIT! goes to ‘dDefinder1’ for his ‘Enhanced Blood Textures’, without which, this texture will not work, and I wouldn’t have had a lot of gory fun creating it! Be sure to ENDORSE ‘Enhanced Blood Textures’ if you enjoy this!

NOTE: This is my first ever game texture! Though I do use photoshop quite a bit. It has been fun creating it and learning how this stuff works. I hope you enjoy, have fun 🙂


Vanilla ENB ‘ Enhanced’
Little Bit of Green – some minor edits
Vivid Landscapes – minor edits

Credits: Nikonthenet
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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