
Fallout 4 Mods |


Increases the distance at which you can see bullet casing and bullet holes ( 500m ) as well as the time they stay on. ( 10 min ).

Also increases the number of Decals to 1024, of Debris to 1500 and Wound decals stay for 10 min as well.


fGunShellLifeTime 600
iDebrisMaxCount 1500
fGunShellCameraDistance 50000
fGunParticleCameraDistance 50000


[Display] fDecalLOD0 = 50000
fDecalLifetime = 600
iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame = 1024
iMaxDecalsPerFrame = 1024
[Decals] uMaxDecals = 1024
uMaxSkinDecals = 1024
uMaxSkinDecalsPerActor = 128

You can either install using NMM, or if you’re installing manually, the .ini just goes with the .esp in the …\Fallout 4\Data folder.

Credits: Artist
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