Better gun sounds

Fallout 4 Mods |

Better gun sounds

W.I.P – An overhaul of Fallout 4’s gun sounds
Hey guys ! As you might have guessed this mod replaces Fallout 4 with better (at least in my opinion) sounding ones. This is also a work in progress : i’ve changed most semi-automatic or single-shot firearms, and I’m now working on the automatic sounds.

Below you will find a comparison video, a changelog as well as an installation guide. I hope you like my mod : don’t forget to endorse it if you do ! Suggestions and constructive criticism are also appreciated 🙂


– Correct the file path, NMM installation should now work as intended (sorry guys)
– Changed the Pipe Guns sound
– Improved the fade out on most guns, I still have a lot to do though


– Increased the volume of the combat rifle
– Added the Broadsider


– Changed the sounds of all semi-automatic and single-shot firearms with the exception of the Silenced Combat Rifle (can’t find the sound file) and the non-silenced .50 caliber Hunting/Sniper Rifle (can’t find a good sound for it).
– Changed the sound of one Heavy Weapon, the Missile Launcher.

The automatic sounds should be realeased fairly soon, and the NPC sounds will follow.


1 – In Fallout.ini (Documents > my games > Fallout4), change the line sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\ to this : sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, SOUND\
Side note : Since you are modding Fallout 4, you’ll probably want to install texture mods too. Too do so, you’ll need the line we just edited to look like this : sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\ TEXTURES\, SOUND\

2 – Download the mod and extract it with WinRar or 7zip (right-click on the file > Extract to)

Note – If you wish to keep the Vanilla sounds for a certain weapon, or create your own, open the mod’s folder and navigate to the wpn folder, open it, and there you can simply delete the sound folder associated to a particular weapon. (sidenote : the Assault Rifle is called RifleIvstan and the pipe guns are in the Handmade folder) When you’re done, follow the next step.

3 – Open the mod’s folder, locate the sound folder and just drop it into Fallout’s Data folder (by default C:\Program Files > Steam > Steam Apps > common > Fallout4 > Data)

ENJOY ! (hopefully)

If you want to uninstall the mod, it’s very simple : just delete the wpn folder in Data > sound > fx

Credits: CakesGone
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