Best Ending Save File

Fallout 4 Mods |

Best Ending Save File

A few things need to be mentioned. First, this is my own alteration on the “best” ending found in the video here:

Reason being that I wanted a save that had no sidequests completed, few locations found, and few perks unlocked so that there would be plenty to see and do after completing the story. I can’t take credit for the method.

Second, I had quite a few mods installed while doing this playthrough, but I’ve got no idea which ones will be essential to actually get it running. I imagine things like my CBBE texture and body mods will be necessary. If you have any problems, please let me know and I will try to help you work through them. No promises though.

Third, Dogmeat and Danse will be at Red Rocket and Preston should return to the Castle when you leave the roof. Valentine will be with you on the roof and Piper is in Diamond City for a certain quest. Everyone else will be in their original spots. There are also two chests, one containing armour and one containing weapons that I dumped things into whenever I had too much. All my collected junk can also be found at RR.

Finally, I leveled up most of the SPECIAL stats but stopped after I got what I needed. No bobbleheads were collected so I advise you max the rest out before collecting them to get all the stats to 11. The only other perks I put points into were hacking, lockpicking, and idiot savant.

That’s about it. Hopefully this works but I have my doubts. Won’t know until you try.


Simply download the file and extract it into where your Fallout4 save files are located. Load up the game and look through all saves until you find one called “Best Ending Save”.

Credits: BlackistaniNegro
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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