Beautiful Female Enemies

Fallout 4 Mods |

Beautiful Female Enemies

MINI UPDATE: I updated the optional Balanced versions (regular and dirty body) with new files that replace the Raiders with new, more Raidery faces 🙂

It’s only a mini-update because I haven’t finished enough faces to update the full replacer version yet, but it’ll happen.

I wanted to thank corne223, for his submission of the Face of one of the new Raiders. Check out the pix.

And thanks to PiggyGamer, for pointing out in the comments that you can run BFE 1.0 and then load BFE 1.1 Balanced after it in your load order and you’ll get full replacement of enemies AND half your Raiders will be the new Raidery Girls.

And a great big thanks to Tyrannicon for featuring this mod in his latest video (we’re at the end):


Just like my other Mod Beautiful Female Settlers, but this one replaces the vanilla faces, both male and female, of Raiders, Gunners, and Children of Atom with handcrafted beautiful women. (14 Raiders, 13 Gunners, and 10 Children of Atom)

Also available in an optional “Balanced” version that balances the male/female ratio of these enemies and then just replaces the female faces. (7 Raiders, 7 Gunners, and 5 Children of Atom)

This mod is designed to run with Beautiful Female Settlers, but it’s not neccessary to run them both.

Testing shows no known issues at this time, but please let me know of any issues you find.

Currently both mods utilize 37 of the same faces, but plans for future updates include adding new faces so each face is unique in both mods.

Extract into your DATA folder and add the ESP filename to your PLUGINS file, or download and install using NMM

Added “Dirty Body” optional versions of both the Full and Balanced versions. Changed the Raiders and Gunners back to dirty bodies. Children of Atom don’t come with dirty bodies in the vanilla game, so I left them alone.

Added “BFE Batch Files” under Miscellaneous Files – 3 BAT files for spawning the replacements. Extract into your FALLOUT4 directory, open the console in-game and type:

bat coa to spawn the Children of Atom
bat raiders to spawn the Raiders
bat gunners to spawn the Gunners

They WILL attack you when they spawn, you might want to toggle the AI off by entering tai in the console.

For best visual results, the following mods were used:
Valkyr’s Female Face Texture
CBBE – Curvy Preset
True Eyes

And many thanks to xatmos, for the awesome Face Ripper, without which, this mod would not exist.

My other mods:

Better Settlers – The New Settlers – Beautiful Female Settlers Merged Patch
Vanilla Settler Replacements
Standalone Nuka-Cola Manufacturing Workstation
Beautiful Female Settlers
Gwinnett Recipe Replacers
10mm Biohazard Special Standalone Pistol
10mm Pistol Standalone Template

Credits: Recluse
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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