
Fallout 4 Mods |


FatherShaun’s BattleRattle

PseudoLore: When he was an infant, he was yanked from the CryoChamber with a blanket and this baby rattle. Growing at the Institute, he grew more and more interested in technology and would spend his days down in the Development Labs bugging the Engineers. He began to tinker, and innovate… He put special technology into his little security rattle so that he would never have to be afraid. He was a freakin Genius… But unfortunately, in the FirstLife, he grew tired, old and forgetful… One day while out on his walk, he dropped it in a ditch, where it sat for a long long time…

I just happened to find it over by the Kingsport Lighthouse area last week, while I was running away from a Legendary Mythic Deathclaw…

Far as Sturgis and I have been able to tell, this little rattle has some type of combined cripple/stagger on it … If you open it up on Weapons Workbench, there is a small switch that turns on a damn stimpak injector… It also packs a bigger punch than it looks like it would… I have sent many flying outta the park with it. Sturgis has been working hard and has been able to replicate it… Damn Boy must be one of the biggest rednecks to ever wander out of the Dakotas, but he is a freakin Genius too…

If you want to give it a try, download it and have at it…

Craftable at a Chemistry Station
Upgrades at a Weapons Workstation:
– Baton Compatible: Shock and Stun
– BattleRattle Medical Pack with Bullet Time and Auto-StimPak Injector
– World Series Logo +

This is a High Effect Low Damage (HELD) weapon… It is a defensive weapon for when the SHTF and you ain’t gotta plan. It will get you out of most tight situations. Please resist the temptation to run around hitting your settlers with it…

Special thanks to th3t3rr1bl30n3 for allowing me to use his idea that he introduced in his PipBoys …

I have worn the advanced one of these since the day I found it… Don’t need it much, but when you do, you really do…

Credits: robtest
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