
Fallout 4 Mods |


BalanceModOverhaul 3.0
These are the settings I will use to play my next game, to make it challenging and interesting. You must play on survival with this.
– Only absorb 50 % damage in VATS ( down from 90 % )
– Monsters move at 20 % speed in VATS ( up from 4 % )
– It takes 10 minutes for limb regen to kick in, keep your stimpacks ready.
– Locations take twice the usual time to respawn.
– No more XP from crafting in the workshop and cooking.
– Bartering 4 times as worse ( horrible barter! ) so no more 50 000 caps in your pockets.
– Double the amount of legendary monsters.
– Water purifiers only grant 5 and 10 purified water ( from 10 and 40 ).
– Less chems found in game.
– Fusion cores drain twice as fast.
– You will only do 70 % of the usual survival damage.
– Increased the Armorer, science and bladesmith perk lvl requirements.
– The sneak perk only increases your sneaking now.
– Sneaking is now a tad harder outside, under light and with heavier armor.
– All drugs had their withdrawal effects and addiction chance doubled.
– All power armor defensive values were halved, along with the carry weight leg enhancement.
– All power armor are now more resilient for less repair.
– Nuka Quantums and Mirelurk egg omelettes now grant their AP over time
– The fury drug now grants 50 % damage like it’s supposed to.
– All zones had their maximum monster level increased to 99, so early zones will still be fun at a later stage.
– XP gain is only 80 % of the vanilla version.
– Slower AP gain
Must Mods to install with this
Simple bug Fixes ( without the dogmeat changes )
Ammo weight MOD
Arbitration – better combat AI
Deadly Radiation
Extra fun Mods to install with this
ETSGM – Easy To See Glowing Mags
Settlement Supplies Expanded 2.5 – Safe SSEx
Armorsmith Extended ( do not put balistic weave on any helms or hats )
Suggested self imposed rules
Always sell every legendary weapon you find from any random sources, only use those from quests or bought from merchants

The point of my balance is to make it harder, yet still loot stuff everywhere. Best to have a horrible barter rate than loot less stuff everywhere ; Better to lower the power armor stats than increasing monster damage because that screws the power armor-less folk. I intend on not making any more mods until the GECK is out, as I see our options are limited and working now is a waste of time.

I give full rights to anyone for anything ; take it, copy stuff, don’t ask me for any kind of permission.

Credits: MisterMaximvs
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