Atomic Bullets Change of Underwear

Fallout 4 Mods |

Atomic Bullets Change of Underwear

First off, full credit goes to Dahakka DA for the “Change of Underwear” mod. This is hands down one of the best re-textures on Nexus and Dahakka DA deserves all the credit for this mod. It truly is awesome folks, and I am only going to be featuring a few of them, so definitely check out this page for the full breadth of Dahakka DA’s creations.

Dahakka DA’s A Change of Underwear

All I have done is added some sheer (see thru) lettering that features the Atomic Bullets brand logo from my Raunchy New Ads mod. This is not wearable clothing. It re-skins your female bodies with better underwear. So, if you are using a nude mod, this won’t work. If you want to get rid of the awful underwear that the vanilla character has, this will do it. Personally, I like nudity, but Dahakka DA’s re-tex of the underwear is actually a lot sexier and cooler than a lot of the nude mods out there.

It goes well with the Atomic Bullets Brand Feather Dress (you can actually see the panties if you’re into upskirts. Get it here
Atomic Bullets Brand Feather Dress

If you are clueless as to what Atomic Bullets “The Bullet Bra for the Atomic Age” is, then check out my Raunchy New Ads and Signs mod here.
Raunchy New Ads and Signs

Use Nexus Mod Manager
Manual Installation
It is always advisable to back up any file you are going to alter or overwrite in the process of implementing mods. Failure to do so is at your own risk.
1. You need to edit your Fallout 4 .ini settings. Navigate to Documents/MyGames/Fallout4 to find it (it is the one that just says “Fallout4). Find the line that reads “sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\” (Ctrl-F and search for it) and change it to
If you do it this way you should never have to mess with this again. It adds almost every custom category you will need.
2. If you have not already done so, you will need to edit your Fallout4Prefs, located in the same folder as above, and add this line at the bottom of the document.
3. Extract the chosen file you have downloaded and place those textures in your Fallout 4 Data/Textures/Actors/Character/BaseHumanFemale folder. If you are using the Steam installation default, it is in Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout 4/ Data/Textures/Actors/Character/BaseHumanFemale

Credits: Dahakka DA and zenronin
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